[Commits] [svn:einsteintoolkit] WeylScal4/trunk/m/ (Rev. 53)

tanja.bode at physics.gatech.edu tanja.bode at physics.gatech.edu
Fri May 7 10:14:08 CDT 2010

User: tbode
Date: 2010/05/07 10:14 AM


 WeylScal4: Add missing patch file required for regenerating thorn.

File Changes:

Directory: /trunk/m/

File [added]: WeylScal4.patch
Delta lines: +181 -0
--- trunk/m/WeylScal4.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/m/WeylScal4.patch	2010-05-07 15:14:08 UTC (rev 53)
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+diff -r -c a/interface.ccl b/interface.ccl
+*** a/interface.ccl	2010-05-03 23:48:16.810592882 -0400
+--- b/interface.ccl	2010-05-03 23:51:37.206592882 -0400
+*** 34,48 ****
+  {
+    Psi4r
+  } "Psi4r_group"
+- public:
+- CCTK_REAL Psi4i_grouprhs type=GF timelevels=3 tags='tensortypealias="Scalar" tensorweight=1 tensorparity=-1'
+- {
+-   Psi4irhs
+- } "Psi4i_grouprhs"
+- public:
+- CCTK_REAL Psi4r_grouprhs type=GF timelevels=3 tags='tensortypealias="Scalar" tensorweight=1 tensorparity=1'
+- {
+-   Psi4rrhs
+- } "Psi4r_grouprhs"
+--- 34,36 ----
+diff -r -c a/param.ccl b/param.ccl
+*** a/param.ccl	2010-05-03 23:48:16.811592882 -0400
+--- b/param.ccl	2010-05-03 23:51:37.207592882 -0400
+*** 52,75 ****
+  } "2nd"
+  restricted:
+- CCTK_INT WeylScal4_MaxNumEvolvedVars "Number of evolved variables used by this thorn" ACCUMULATOR-BASE=MethodofLines::MoL_Num_Evolved_Vars
+- {
+-   2:2 :: "Number of evolved variables used by this thorn"
+- } 2
+- restricted:
+  CCTK_INT timelevels "Number of active timelevels"
+  {
+    0:3 :: ""
+  } 3
+  restricted:
+- CCTK_INT rhs_timelevels "Number of active RHS timelevels"
+- {
+-   0:3 :: ""
+- } 1
+- restricted:
+  CCTK_INT psis_calc_2nd_calc_every "psis_calc_2nd_calc_every"
+  {
+    *:* :: ""
+--- 52,63 ----
+diff -r -c a/schedule.ccl b/schedule.ccl
+*** a/schedule.ccl	2010-05-03 23:48:16.811592882 -0400
+--- b/schedule.ccl	2010-05-03 23:51:37.206592882 -0400
+*** 27,58 ****
+    STORAGE: Psi4r_group[3]
+  }
+- if (rhs_timelevels == 1)
+- {
+-   STORAGE: Psi4i_grouprhs[1]
+- }
+- if (rhs_timelevels == 2)
+- {
+-   STORAGE: Psi4i_grouprhs[2]
+- }
+- if (rhs_timelevels == 3)
+- {
+-   STORAGE: Psi4i_grouprhs[3]
+- }
+- if (rhs_timelevels == 1)
+- {
+-   STORAGE: Psi4r_grouprhs[1]
+- }
+- if (rhs_timelevels == 2)
+- {
+-   STORAGE: Psi4r_grouprhs[2]
+- }
+- if (rhs_timelevels == 3)
+- {
+-   STORAGE: Psi4r_grouprhs[3]
+- }
+  schedule WeylScal4_Startup at STARTUP
+  {
+    LANG: C
+--- 27,32 ----
+*** 72,77 ****
+--- 46,55 ----
+  } "register symmetries"
++ schedule group WeylScal4_Calculate in MoL_PseudoEvolution
++ {
++ } "Calculate the Newman-Penrose quantities"
+  if (CCTK_EQUALS(fd_order, "2nd"))
+  {
+    schedule psis_calc_2nd in WeylScal4_Calculate as calc_np
+*** 93,104 ****
+    } "psis_calc_4th"
+  }
+! schedule dummycalc in Nowhere_Nevertoberun
+! {
+!   LANG: C
+! } "dummycalc"
+! schedule WeylScal4_SelectBoundConds in MoL_PostStep
+  {
+    LANG: C
+    OPTIONS: level
+--- 70,76 ----
+    } "psis_calc_4th"
+  }
+! schedule WeylScal4_SelectBoundConds in WeylScal4_Boundaries
+  {
+    LANG: C
+    OPTIONS: level
+*** 112,118 ****
+    OPTIONS: meta
+  } "check boundaries treatment"
+! schedule group ApplyBCs as WeylScal4_ApplyBCs in MoL_PostStep  after WeylScal4_SelectBoundConds
+  {
+    # no language specified
+  } "Apply boundary conditions controlled by thorn Boundary"
+--- 84,105 ----
+    OPTIONS: meta
+  } "check boundaries treatment"
+! schedule group ApplyBCs as WeylScal4_ApplyBCs in WeylScal4_Boundaries after WeylScal4_SelectBoundConds
+! {
+!   # no language specified
+! } "Apply boundary conditions controlled by thorn Boundary"
+! schedule group WeylScal4_Boundaries in WeylScal4_Calculate after calc_np
+! {
+!   # no language specified
+! } "Apply boundary conditions controlled by thorn Boundary"
+! schedule group WeylScal4_Boundaries in CCTK_POSTRESTRICTINITIAL
+! {
+!   # no language specified
+! } "Apply boundary conditions controlled by thorn Boundary"
+! schedule group WeylScal4_Boundaries in CCTK_POSTRESTRICT
+  {
+    # no language specified
+  } "Apply boundary conditions controlled by thorn Boundary"
+diff -r -c a/src/RegisterMoL.c b/src/RegisterMoL.c
+*** a/src/RegisterMoL.c	2010-05-03 23:48:16.811592882 -0400
+--- b/src/RegisterMoL.c	2010-05-03 23:51:37.206592882 -0400
+*** 12,18 ****
+    CCTK_INT ierr = 0;
+    /* Register all the evolved grid functions with MoL */
+-   ierr += MoLRegisterEvolved(CCTK_VarIndex("WeylScal4::Psi4i"),  CCTK_VarIndex("WeylScal4::Psi4irhs"));
+-   ierr += MoLRegisterEvolved(CCTK_VarIndex("WeylScal4::Psi4r"),  CCTK_VarIndex("WeylScal4::Psi4rrhs"));
+    return;
+  }
+--- 12,16 ----
+diff -r -c a/src/make.code.defn b/src/make.code.defn
+*** a/src/make.code.defn	2010-05-03 23:48:16.811592882 -0400
+--- b/src/make.code.defn	2010-05-03 23:51:37.206592882 -0400
+*** 1,3 ****
+  # File produced by Kranc
+! SRCS = Startup.c RegisterMoL.c RegisterSymmetries.c psis_calc_2nd.c psis_calc_4th.c dummycalc.c Boundaries.c 
+--- 1,3 ----
+  # File produced by Kranc
+! SRCS = Startup.c RegisterMoL.c RegisterSymmetries.c psis_calc_2nd.c psis_calc_4th.c Boundaries.c 

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