[Commits] [svn:einsteintoolkit] GRHydro/trunk/ (Rev. 265)

schnetter at cct.lsu.edu schnetter at cct.lsu.edu
Fri Aug 19 18:58:30 CDT 2011

User: eschnett
Date: 2011/08/19 06:58 PM


 Schedule certain items before MoL_PostStepModify
 Schedule all those items which were scheduled "before MoL_PostStep"
 also "before MoL_PostStepModify".

File Changes:

Directory: /trunk/

File [modified]: schedule.ccl
Delta lines: +4 -4
--- trunk/schedule.ccl	2011-08-05 18:07:18 UTC (rev 264)
+++ trunk/schedule.ccl	2011-08-19 23:58:27 UTC (rev 265)
@@ -271,11 +271,11 @@
   if (CCTK_IsThornActive("PUGH" ))
-     schedule GRHydro_Rho_Minima_Setup_Final_PUGH AT CCTK_PostInitial BEFORE MoL_PostStep
+     schedule GRHydro_Rho_Minima_Setup_Final_PUGH AT CCTK_PostInitial BEFORE (MoL_PostStepModify MoL_PostStep)
        LANG: C
      } "Set the value of the rest-mass density of the atmosphere which will be used during the evolution (PUGH)"
-     schedule GRHydro_InitialAtmosphereResetM AT CCTK_PostInitial BEFORE MoL_PostStep AFTER GRHydro_Rho_Minima_Setup_Final_PUGH
+     schedule GRHydro_InitialAtmosphereResetM AT CCTK_PostInitial BEFORE (MoL_PostStepModify MoL_PostStep) AFTER GRHydro_Rho_Minima_Setup_Final_PUGH
        LANG: Fortran
      } "Use mask to enforce atmosphere at initial time"
@@ -296,11 +296,11 @@
   if (CCTK_IsThornActive("PUGH" ))
-     schedule GRHydro_Rho_Minima_Setup_Final_PUGH AT CCTK_PostInitial BEFORE MoL_PostStep
+     schedule GRHydro_Rho_Minima_Setup_Final_PUGH AT CCTK_PostInitial BEFORE (MoL_PostStepModify MoL_PostStep)
        LANG: C
      } "Set the value of the rest-mass density of the atmosphere which will be used during the evolution (PUGH)"
-     schedule GRHydro_InitialAtmosphereReset AT CCTK_PostInitial BEFORE MoL_PostStep AFTER GRHydro_Rho_Minima_Setup_Final_PUGH
+     schedule GRHydro_InitialAtmosphereReset AT CCTK_PostInitial BEFORE (MoL_PostStepModify MoL_PostStep) AFTER GRHydro_Rho_Minima_Setup_Final_PUGH
        LANG: Fortran
      } "Use mask to enforce atmosphere at initial time"

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