[Commits] [svn:einsteintoolkit] Paper_EinsteinToolkit_2010/ (Rev. 109)

knarf at cct.lsu.edu knarf at cct.lsu.edu
Sat Aug 20 22:36:18 CDT 2011

User: knarf
Date: 2011/08/20 10:36 PM


 more on future work and acknowl.

File Changes:

Directory: /

File [modified]: ET.tex
Delta lines: +30 -15
--- ET.tex	2011-08-15 15:18:25 UTC (rev 108)
+++ ET.tex	2011-08-21 03:36:17 UTC (rev 109)
@@ -2330,21 +2330,36 @@
-\section{Future Work\pages{1 Frank}}
+\section{Future Work\pagesdone{1 Frank}}
 In this paper we illustrated the current state of the ``Einstein Toolkit'',
 a collection of freely available and easy to use computational codes
 for numerical relativity. However, there is room for improvement on both
 the underlying infrastructure and the included physics.
 One of the desirable additions of physics is a proper treatment of
-radiation, in particular neutrinos, but possibly even some approximation
-of emmission of electro-magnetic waves. Radiation transport is, even compared
-to the full GRMHD problem, computationally very expensive, especially in
-three dimensions. \todo{Erik: mention PetaCactus}
+radiation, in particular neutrinos. Another desirable addition would be some
+approximation of emmission of electro-magnetic waves. Radiation transport is,
+even compared to the full GRMHD problem, computationally very expensive,
+especially in three dimensions. Several members of the CIGR team are involved
+in the NSF project PetaCactus, which aims to explore these possibilities.
-\todo{CCE people: mention advanced wave extraction}
+Besides new additions, existing techniques require to be improved. One such
+example is the improvement of current wave extraction techniques within the
+Einstein Toolkit to include Cauchy characteristic wave extraction techniques,
+as recently studied in~\cite{todo}. The authors of these research codes
+recently agreed to make their work available to the whole community within
+the Einstein toolkit. This is expected to happen for the second release of
+the toolkit in 2011.
-Another important goal is to increase the scalability of the Carpet AMR
+A second example for an improvement of an existing method is extending the
+current implementation of ideal magneto hydrodynamics to the case of non-zero
+resistivity. Such implementations exist
+and are described in the literature~\cite{todo}, but none are provided freely
+within the Einstein Toolkit yet. Resistive MHD is important for a number of
+astrophysical scenarios, one of which is the merger of two magnetized neutron
+stars, a candidate for short Gamma ray bursts.
+Yet another important goal is to increase the scalability of the Carpet AMR
 infrastructure. It has been shown that good scaling is limited to less than
 a few thousend proccesses, for some of the most used simulation scenarios.
 In this case, work is already in progress to eliminate this bottle-neck.
@@ -2357,17 +2372,17 @@
 for the forseeable future.
 \section*{Acknowledgments\pages{0.5 All}}
-\todo{Frank, ADDME}
+\todo{Frank, ADD}
 The Einstein Toolkit is directly supported by the National Science Foundation
 under the grant numbers 0903973/0903782/0904015 (CIGR).
-\todo{NSF OCI 0721915 ``Alpaca'', NSF OCI 0725070 ``Blue Waters'', NSF
-  OCI 0905046 ``PetaCactus'', NSF OCI 0941653 ``PRAC''.}
-Results presented
+Related projects contributed directly and indirectly to the success of CIGR,
+including the NSF OCI 0721915 project ``Alpaca'', the NSF OCI 0725070 project
+``Blue Waters'', the NSF OCI project 0905046 ``PetaCactus'' and the
+NSF OCI 0941653 ``PRAC'' award. Results presented
 in this article were obtained through computations on the Louisiana Optical
-Network Initiative under allocation loni\_cactus05, as well as the NSF Teragrid
-under allocation TG-MCA02N014 \todo{DOE repository m152,
-  HLRB, LRZ, Sharcnet project
-  project cfz-411-aa}.
+Network Initiative under allocation loni\_cactus05 and loni\_numrel06, as well
+as the NSF Teragrid under allocation TG-MCA02N014, DOE repository m152,
+HLRB, at the LRZ, and using the Sharcnet project cfz-411-aa.
 % TODO: all references should be in manifest/einsteintoolkit

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