[Commits] [svn:einsteintoolkit] Paper_EinsteinToolkit_2010/ (Rev. 286)
ian.hinder at aei.mpg.de
ian.hinder at aei.mpg.de
Mon Mar 12 10:57:40 CDT 2012
User: hinder
Date: 2012/03/12 10:57 AM
ET.tex: Rework discussion of NRAR error criteria according to referee comments
File Changes:
Directory: /
File [modified]: ET.tex
Delta lines: +16 -12
--- ET.tex 2012-03-12 15:56:23 UTC (rev 285)
+++ ET.tex 2012-03-12 15:57:39 UTC (rev 286)
@@ -2728,18 +2728,22 @@
%seems to be the one corresponding to an $8$-th order accurate finite
%difference approximation.
We also indicate on both plots the time at which the gravitational
-wave frequency reaches $\omega=0.2/\mathrm{M}$. We follow a community standard, agreed
-to over the course of the NRAR\cite{NRAR:web} collaboration, that constrains
-the numerical resolution so that the accumulated phase error is not
-larger than $0.05$ radians at a gravitational wave frequency of
-$\omega=0.2/\mathrm{M}$. From the plot, we assert that the phase error between the
-higher and high resolutions and the one between high and medium-high
-resolutions satisfies this criterion, while the phase error between
-the medium-high and medium resolutions barely satisfies the criterion; and the
-one between medium and low resolutions does not. We conclude then
-that the three highest resolution runs do have sufficient resolution
-to extract waveforms for use in the construction of analytic waveform
+wave frequency reaches $\omega=0.2/\mathrm{M}$. This reference time
+has been suggested, for example in the NRAR\cite{NRAR:web}
+collaboration, as a useful point at which errors can be compared
+between codes. The suggestion is that the accumulated phase error
+should not be larger than $0.05$ radians at this reference time, and
+that this is roughly the scale of accuracy which might be useful for
+comparisons with analytic approximation methods. From the plot, we
+assert that the phase difference between the higher and high
+resolutions and the one between high and medium-high resolutions
+satisfies this criterion, while the phase difference between the
+medium-high and medium resolutions barely satisfies the criterion; and
+the one between medium and low resolutions does not. We conclude then
+that the three highest resolution runs do have the suggested accuracy.
+While the waveform shown here is too short for comparison with
+analytic methods, we illustrate here that these sorts of comparisons
+can be made using the toolkit.
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