[Commits] [svn:einsteintoolkit] GRHydro/trunk/src/ (Rev. 434)
rhaas at tapir.caltech.edu
rhaas at tapir.caltech.edu
Thu Nov 8 19:53:11 CST 2012
User: rhaas
Date: 2012/11/08 07:53 PM
GRhydro: add recovstruct_Wv to magnetized PPM routine
From: Roland Haas <roland.haas at physics.gatech.edu>
File Changes:
Directory: /trunk/src/
File [modified]: GRHydro_PPMM.F90
Delta lines: +110 -48
--- trunk/src/GRHydro_PPMM.F90 2012-11-09 01:53:08 UTC (rev 433)
+++ trunk/src/GRHydro_PPMM.F90 2012-11-09 01:53:11 UTC (rev 434)
@@ -79,7 +79,25 @@
logical :: cond
+ CCTK_REAL, dimension(nx) :: vx,vy,vz
+ !!$ reconstruct w^i = w_lorentz*v^i to ensure slower than light
+ !!$ speeds?
+ if (reconstruct_Wv.ne.0) then
+ ! all velocity like quantities are now w_lorentz*velocity. We will convert
+ ! back to ordinary velocity at the end, using w_lorentz = sqrt(1 + g_{ij}
+ ! w^i w^j).
+ vx = w_lorentz*velx
+ vy = w_lorentz*vely
+ vz = w_lorentz*velz
+ else
+ vx = velx
+ vy = vely
+ vz = velz
+ end if
!!$ Initially, all the Riemann problems will be trivial
trivial_rp = .true.
@@ -89,9 +107,9 @@
do i = 2, nx - 1
drho(i) = 0.5d0 * (rho(i+1) - rho(i-1))
- dvelx(i) = 0.5d0 * (velx(i+1) - velx(i-1))
- dvely(i) = 0.5d0 * (vely(i+1) - vely(i-1))
- dvelz(i) = 0.5d0 * (velz(i+1) - velz(i-1))
+ dvelx(i) = 0.5d0 * (vx(i+1) - vx(i-1))
+ dvely(i) = 0.5d0 * (vy(i+1) - vy(i-1))
+ dvelz(i) = 0.5d0 * (vz(i+1) - vz(i-1))
dBvcx(i) = 0.5d0 * (Bvcx(i+1) - Bvcx(i-1))
dBvcy(i) = 0.5d0 * (Bvcy(i+1) - Bvcy(i-1))
dBvcz(i) = 0.5d0 * (Bvcz(i+1) - Bvcz(i-1))
@@ -143,13 +161,13 @@
rhoplus(i) = 0.5d0 * (rho(i) + rho(i+1)) + &
(dmrho(i) - dmrho(i+1)) / 6.d0
rhominus(i+1) = rhoplus(i)
- velxplus(i) = 0.5d0 * (velx(i) + velx(i+1)) + &
+ velxplus(i) = 0.5d0 * (vx(i) + vx(i+1)) + &
(dmvelx(i) - dmvelx(i+1)) / 6.d0
velxminus(i+1) = velxplus(i)
- velyplus(i) = 0.5d0 * (vely(i) + vely(i+1)) + &
+ velyplus(i) = 0.5d0 * (vy(i) + vy(i+1)) + &
(dmvely(i) - dmvely(i+1)) / 6.d0
velyminus(i+1) = velyplus(i)
- velzplus(i) = 0.5d0 * (velz(i) + velz(i+1)) + &
+ velzplus(i) = 0.5d0 * (vz(i) + vz(i+1)) + &
(dmvelz(i) - dmvelz(i+1)) / 6.d0
velzminus(i+1) = velzplus(i)
@@ -371,12 +389,12 @@
end if
rhoplus(i) = flatten * rhoplus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * rho(i)
rhominus(i) = flatten * rhominus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * rho(i)
- velxplus(i) = flatten * velxplus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * velx(i)
- velxminus(i) = flatten * velxminus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * velx(i)
- velyplus(i) = flatten * velyplus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * vely(i)
- velyminus(i) = flatten * velyminus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * vely(i)
- velzplus(i) = flatten * velzplus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * velz(i)
- velzminus(i) = flatten * velzminus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * velz(i)
+ velxplus(i) = flatten * velxplus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * vx(i)
+ velxminus(i) = flatten * velxminus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * vx(i)
+ velyplus(i) = flatten * velyplus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * vy(i)
+ velyminus(i) = flatten * velyminus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * vy(i)
+ velzplus(i) = flatten * velzplus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * vz(i)
+ velzminus(i) = flatten * velzminus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * vz(i)
Bvcxplus(i) = flatten * Bvcxplus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * Bvcx(i)
Bvcxminus(i) = flatten * Bvcxminus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * Bvcx(i)
Bvcyplus(i) = flatten * Bvcyplus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * Bvcy(i)
@@ -402,12 +420,12 @@
end if
rhoplus(i) = flatten * rhoplus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * rho(i)
rhominus(i) = flatten * rhominus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * rho(i)
- velxplus(i) = flatten * velxplus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * velx(i)
- velxminus(i) = flatten * velxminus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * velx(i)
- velyplus(i) = flatten * velyplus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * vely(i)
- velyminus(i) = flatten * velyminus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * vely(i)
- velzplus(i) = flatten * velzplus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * velz(i)
- velzminus(i) = flatten * velzminus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * velz(i)
+ velxplus(i) = flatten * velxplus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * vx(i)
+ velxminus(i) = flatten * velxminus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * vx(i)
+ velyplus(i) = flatten * velyplus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * vy(i)
+ velyminus(i) = flatten * velyminus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * vy(i)
+ velzplus(i) = flatten * velzplus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * vz(i)
+ velzminus(i) = flatten * velzminus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * vz(i)
Bvcxplus(i) = flatten * Bvcxplus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * Bvcx(i)
Bvcxminus(i) = flatten * Bvcxminus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * Bvcx(i)
Bvcyplus(i) = flatten * Bvcyplus(i) + (1.d0 - flatten) * Bvcy(i)
@@ -494,12 +512,12 @@
if (cond) then
- velxminus(i)=velx(i)
- velxplus(i)=velx(i)
- velyminus(i)=vely(i)
- velyplus(i)=vely(i)
- velzminus(i)=velz(i)
- velzplus(i)=velz(i)
+ velxminus(i)=vx(i)
+ velxplus(i)=vx(i)
+ velyminus(i)=vy(i)
+ velyplus(i)=vy(i)
+ velzminus(i)=vz(i)
+ velzplus(i)=vz(i)
@@ -508,12 +526,12 @@
- velxminus(i-1)=velx(i)
- velxplus(i-1)=velx(i)
- velyminus(i-1)=vely(i)
- velyplus(i-1)=vely(i)
- velzminus(i-1)=velz(i)
- velzplus(i-1)=velz(i)
+ velxminus(i-1)=vx(i)
+ velxplus(i-1)=vx(i)
+ velyminus(i-1)=vy(i)
+ velyplus(i-1)=vy(i)
+ velzminus(i-1)=vz(i)
+ velzplus(i-1)=vz(i)
@@ -539,9 +557,9 @@
end if
if (cond) then
call PPM_TVD(rho(i-1), rho(i), rho(i+1), rhominus(i), rhoplus(i))
- call PPM_TVD(velx(i-1), velx(i), velx(i+1), velxminus(i), velxplus(i))
- call PPM_TVD(vely(i-1), vely(i), vely(i+1), velyminus(i), velyplus(i))
- call PPM_TVD(velz(i-1), velz(i), velz(i+1), velzminus(i), velzplus(i))
+ call PPM_TVD(vx(i-1), vx(i), vx(i+1), velxminus(i), velxplus(i))
+ call PPM_TVD(vy(i-1), vy(i), vy(i+1), velyminus(i), velyplus(i))
+ call PPM_TVD(vz(i-1), vz(i), vz(i+1), velzminus(i), velzplus(i))
call PPM_TVD(Bvcx(i-1), Bvcx(i), Bvcx(i+1), Bvcxminus(i), Bvcxplus(i))
call PPM_TVD(Bvcy(i-1), Bvcy(i), Bvcy(i+1), Bvcyminus(i), Bvcyplus(i))
call PPM_TVD(Bvcz(i-1), Bvcz(i), Bvcz(i+1), Bvczminus(i), Bvczplus(i))
@@ -560,12 +578,12 @@
if (cond) then
- velxminus(i)=velx(i)
- velxplus(i)=velx(i)
- velyminus(i)=vely(i)
- velyplus(i)=vely(i)
- velzminus(i)=velz(i)
- velzplus(i)=velz(i)
+ velxminus(i)=vx(i)
+ velxplus(i)=vx(i)
+ velyminus(i)=vy(i)
+ velyplus(i)=vy(i)
+ velzminus(i)=vz(i)
+ velzplus(i)=vz(i)
@@ -574,12 +592,12 @@
- velxminus(i+1)=velx(i)
- velxplus(i+1)=velx(i)
- velyminus(i+1)=vely(i)
- velyplus(i+1)=vely(i)
- velzminus(i+1)=velz(i)
- velzplus(i+1)=velz(i)
+ velxminus(i+1)=vx(i)
+ velxplus(i+1)=vx(i)
+ velyminus(i+1)=vy(i)
+ velyplus(i+1)=vy(i)
+ velzminus(i+1)=vz(i)
+ velzplus(i+1)=vz(i)
@@ -605,9 +623,9 @@
end if
if (cond) then
call PPM_TVD(rho(i-1), rho(i), rho(i+1), rhominus(i), rhoplus(i))
- call PPM_TVD(velx(i-1), velx(i), velx(i+1), velxminus(i), velxplus(i))
- call PPM_TVD(vely(i-1), vely(i), vely(i+1), velyminus(i), velyplus(i))
- call PPM_TVD(velz(i-1), velz(i), velz(i+1), velzminus(i), velzplus(i))
+ call PPM_TVD(vx(i-1), vx(i), vx(i+1), velxminus(i), velxplus(i))
+ call PPM_TVD(vy(i-1), vy(i), vy(i+1), velyminus(i), velyplus(i))
+ call PPM_TVD(vz(i-1), vz(i), vz(i+1), velzminus(i), velzplus(i))
call PPM_TVD(Bvcx(i-1), Bvcx(i), Bvcx(i+1), Bvcxminus(i), Bvcxplus(i))
call PPM_TVD(Bvcy(i-1), Bvcy(i), Bvcy(i+1), Bvcyminus(i), Bvcyplus(i))
call PPM_TVD(Bvcz(i-1), Bvcz(i), Bvcz(i+1), Bvczminus(i), Bvczplus(i))
@@ -621,6 +639,50 @@
end if
end if
end do
+ !!$ transform back to vel if Wv was used!
+ if (reconstruct_Wv.ne.0) then
+ do i = grhydro_stencil, nx - grhydro_stencil + 1
+ ! divide out the Loretnz factor obtained from w_lorentz =
+ ! sqrt(1+g_{ij} w^i w^j) for both the
+ ! plus and minus quantities this should by construction ensure
+ ! that any Lorentz factor calculated from them later on is
+ ! physical (ie. > 1.d0)
+ agxx = 0.5d0*( gxx(i) + gxx(i-1) )
+ agxy = 0.5d0*( gxy(i) + gxy(i-1) )
+ agxz = 0.5d0*( gxz(i) + gxz(i-1) )
+ agyy = 0.5d0*( gyy(i) + gyy(i-1) )
+ agyz = 0.5d0*( gyz(i) + gyz(i-1) )
+ agzz = 0.5d0*( gzz(i) + gzz(i-1) )
+ w = sqrt( 1.d0 + agxx*velxminus(i)*velxminus(i) + &
+ agyy*velyminus(i)*velyminus(i) &
+ + agzz*velzminus(i)*velzminus(i) + &
+ 2.d0*agxy*velxminus(i)*velyminus(i) &
+ + 2.d0*agxz*velxminus(i)*velzminus(i) + &
+ 2.d0*agyz*velyminus(i)*velzminus(i) )
+ velxminus(i) = velxminus(i)/w
+ velyminus(i) = velyminus(i)/w
+ velzminus(i) = velzminus(i)/w
+ agxx = 0.5d0*( gxx(i) + gxx(i+1) )
+ agxy = 0.5d0*( gxy(i) + gxy(i+1) )
+ agxz = 0.5d0*( gxz(i) + gxz(i+1) )
+ agyy = 0.5d0*( gyy(i) + gyy(i+1) )
+ agyz = 0.5d0*( gyz(i) + gyz(i+1) )
+ agzz = 0.5d0*( gzz(i) + gzz(i+1) )
+ w = sqrt( 1.d0 + agxx*velxplus(i)*velxplus(i) + &
+ agyy*velyplus(i)*velyplus(i) &
+ + agzz*velzplus(i)*velzplus(i) + &
+ 2.d0*agxy*velxplus(i)*velyplus(i) &
+ + 2.d0*agxz*velxplus(i)*velzplus(i) + &
+ 2.d0*agyz*velyplus(i)*velzplus(i) )
+ velxplus(i) = velxplus(i)/w
+ velyplus(i) = velyplus(i)/w
+ velzplus(i) = velzplus(i)/w
+ end do
+ end if
end subroutine SimplePPM_1dM
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