[Commits] [svn:einsteintoolkit] GRHydro/trunk/src/ (Rev. 438)

rhaas at tapir.caltech.edu rhaas at tapir.caltech.edu
Thu Nov 8 19:53:21 CST 2012

User: rhaas
Date: 2012/11/08 07:53 PM


 GRHydro: Check if 3-metric is definite positive before con2prim inversion.
 Only do this deep inside the horizon.
 Reset it to conformally flat if it isn't.
 From: Bruno Coutinho Mundim <bcmsma at astro.rit.edu>

File Changes:

Directory: /trunk/src/

File [modified]: GRHydro_Con2PrimM.F90
Delta lines: +21 -2
--- trunk/src/GRHydro_Con2PrimM.F90	2012-11-09 01:53:19 UTC (rev 437)
+++ trunk/src/GRHydro_Con2PrimM.F90	2012-11-09 01:53:21 UTC (rev 438)
@@ -76,6 +76,11 @@
   CCTK_REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), POINTER :: g11, g12, g13, g22, g23, g33
   CCTK_REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), POINTER :: vup, Bprim
+  logical :: posdef
+  CCTK_REAL :: g11c, g12c, g13c, g22c, g23c, g33c
+  CCTK_REAL :: tmp1
   if (GRHydro_UseGeneralCoordinates(cctkGH).ne.0) then
     g11 => gaa
     g12 => gab
@@ -139,7 +144,8 @@
   !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(i,j,k,itracer,&
   !$OMP uxx, uxy, uxz, uyy, uyz, uzz, det, epsnegative, &
-  !$OMP b2,xrho,xeps,xpress,xtemp,local_K,local_pgam,sc,keyerr,anyerr,keytemp,local_perc_ptol)
+  !$OMP b2,xrho,xeps,xpress,xtemp,local_K,local_pgam,sc,keyerr,anyerr,keytemp, &
+  !$OMP local_perc_ptol,posdef,g11c,g12c,g13c,g22c,g23c,g33c,tmp1)
   do k = 1, nz 
      do j = 1, ny 
         do i = 1, nx
@@ -151,6 +157,7 @@
            epsnegative = 0
            det = SPATIAL_DETERMINANT(g11(i,j,k),g12(i,j,k),g13(i,j,k),g22(i,j,k),g23(i,j,k),g33(i,j,k))
            call UpperMetric(uxx,uxy,uxz,uyy,uyz,uzz,det,&
@@ -393,7 +400,19 @@
               tau(i,j,k)  = sqrt(det) * (rho(i,j,k)*(1.0+eps(i,j,k)+b2/2.0)) - dens(i,j,k)
            end if
+!           ! Again, reset 3-metric only for con2prim inversion. Restoring 
+!           ! the current values for the 3-metric:
+!           if(.not.posdef)then
+!             g11(i,j,k) = g11c 
+!             g12(i,j,k) = g12c 
+!             g13(i,j,k) = g13c 
+!             g22(i,j,k) = g22c 
+!             g23(i,j,k) = g23c 
+!             g33(i,j,k) = g33c 
+!             posdef = .true.
+!           endif
         end do
      end do
   end do

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