[Commits] [svn:einsteintoolkit] GRHydro_InitData/trunk/src/ (Rev. 176)
rhaas at tapir.caltech.edu
rhaas at tapir.caltech.edu
Thu Nov 8 19:59:00 CST 2012
User: rhaas
Date: 2012/11/08 07:59 PM
Add find_bondi_solution_bracket and velocity smoothing from Josh's patch.
From: Bruno Coutinho Mundim <bcmsma at astro.rit.edu>
File Changes:
Directory: /trunk/src/
File [modified]: GRHydro_Bondi_new.F90
Delta lines: +188 -12
--- trunk/src/GRHydro_Bondi_new.F90 2012-11-09 01:58:58 UTC (rev 175)
+++ trunk/src/GRHydro_Bondi_new.F90 2012-11-09 01:59:00 UTC (rev 176)
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
CCTK_REAL :: r_bondi(N_points), logr_bondi(N_points), rho_bondi(N_points), u_bondi(N_points), v_bondi(N_points)
CCTK_REAL :: drhodr, det, rhocheck, rhocheck2, riso, rnew, rsch, ucheck
CCTK_REAL :: uiso, uisocheck, vcheck, ucheck2, vcheck2, xhat,yhat, zhat, xp, yp, zp
- CCTK_REAL :: f,df,ddf,a,b,c,rsm,roverm
+ CCTK_REAL :: f,df,ddf,a,b,c,rsm,roverm,dudr,uisocheck2,auiso,buiso
character(400) :: debug_message
@@ -112,7 +112,8 @@
- rhotmp = -1. !!$ start with guess
+!!$ rhotmp = -1. !!$ start with guess
+ rhotmp=rhos !!$ start with value at sonic point!
do i=imin,N_points
rspher = r_bondi(i)
@@ -126,7 +127,8 @@
v_bondi(i) = vtmp
end do
- rhotmp = -1.
+!!$ rhotmp = -1.
+ rhotmp=rhos !!$ start with value at sonic point!
do i=imin-1,1,-1
rspher = r_bondi(i)
@@ -162,23 +164,39 @@
!!$ // find the derivative near r=M
rnew = 2.25 * M
- j = floor ( 0.5 + (log10(rnew) - logrmin) / dlogr )
+ j = floor ((log10(rnew) - logrmin) / dlogr )+1.0
rhocheck = rho_bondi(j)
- call find_bondi_solution(rnew,rhocheck, ucheck, vcheck, rs, rhos, M, Mdot, Kval, gam, Qdot )
+ call find_bondi_solution_bracket(rnew,rhocheck, ucheck, vcheck, rs, rhos, M, Mdot, Kval, gam, Qdot, &
+ rho_bondi(j),rho_bondi(j+1))
uisocheck = 4.0*vcheck/3.0
+!!$ the previous point was r=M in isotropic coords = r=9/4M in schwarzschild; this one is r=1.01M in isotropic
rnew = 0.25 * 3.02**2 * M/1.01
- j = floor( 0.5 + (log10(rnew) - logrmin) / dlogr )
+ j = floor((log10(rnew) - logrmin) / dlogr )+1.0
rhocheck2 = rho_bondi(j)
- call find_bondi_solution( rnew, rhocheck2, ucheck2, vcheck2, rs, rhos, M, Mdot, Kval, gam, Qdot )
+ call find_bondi_solution_bracket( rnew, rhocheck2, ucheck2, vcheck2, rs, rhos, M, Mdot, Kval, gam, Qdot, &
+ rho_bondi(j),rho_bondi(j+1))
+ uisocheck2 = vcheck2 / (1.0 - 1.0/2.02) / (1.0+ 1.0/2.02)
drhodr = 100.0*(rhocheck2-rhocheck)/M
+!!$ Don't divide by M here, to simplify the math
+ dudr = 100.0*(uisocheck2-uisocheck)
write(debug_message,'(a,3f22.14)') 'Rhocheck:',rhocheck,rhocheck2,drhodr
call CCTK_INFO(debug_message)
+ write(debug_message,'(a,3f22.14)') 'Ucheck:',uisocheck,uisocheck2,dudr
+ call CCTK_INFO(debug_message)
nx = cctk_lsh(1)
ny = cctk_lsh(2)
nz = cctk_lsh(3)
+ write(debug_message,'(a,3f22.14)') 'Lower bound coordinates:',x(1,1,1),y(1,1,1),z(1,1,1)
+ call CCTK_INFO(debug_message)
+ write(debug_message,'(a,3f22.14)') 'Upper bound coordinates:',x(nx,ny,nz),y(nx,ny,nz),z(nx,ny,nz)
+ call CCTK_INFO(debug_message)
do i=1,nx
do j=1,ny
@@ -196,12 +214,14 @@
if(roverm > ONEmTINY) then
rsch = 0.25 * ( 2.*riso + M)**2 / riso
- jb = floor( 0.5 + (log10(rsch) - logrmin) / dlogr )
+!!$ jb = floor( 0.5 + (log10(rsch) - logrmin) / dlogr )
+ jb = floor( (log10(rsch) - logrmin) / dlogr ) +1.0
- if(jb > N_points)jb = N_points
+ if(jb >= N_points)jb = N_points-1
- rhotmp = rho_bondi(jb)
- call find_bondi_solution( rsch,rhotmp, utmp, vtmp, rs, rhos, M, Mdot, Kval, gam, Qdot)
+ rhotmp = rho_bondi(jb)+(rho_bondi(jb+1)-rho_bondi(jb))*(rsch-r_bondi(jb))/(r_bondi(jb+1)-r_bondi(jb))
+ call find_bondi_solution_bracket( rsch,rhotmp, utmp, vtmp, rs, rhos, M, Mdot, Kval, gam, Qdot, &
+ rho_bondi(jb),rho_bondi(jb+1))
rho(i,j,k) = rhotmp
uiso = vtmp / (1.0 - M/2.0/riso) / (1.0+ M/2.0/riso)
@@ -211,7 +231,14 @@
rho(i,j,k) = (rhocheck-drhodr*M/4.0)*(1.-cos(2.*M_PI*riso/M))/2.0
utmp = Kval * rho(i,j,k)**( gam ) / (gam - 1.)
- uiso = uisocheck * riso / M
+!!$ match to uiso and dudr at roverm=1
+!!$ a R + b R^3 ---> a+b = uisocheck; a+3b = dudr
+!!$ b = (dudr-uisocheck)/2; a=3*uisocheck-dudr)/2
+ auiso = 1.5*uisocheck-0.5*dudr
+ buiso = 0.5*dudr-0.5*uisocheck
+ uiso = roverm*(auiso+buiso*roverm**2)
eps(i,j,k) = utmp/rhotmp
@@ -382,3 +409,152 @@
end subroutine find_bondi_solution
+ subroutine find_bondi_solution_bracket(r, rho, u, v, rs, rhos, M, Mdot, Kval, gam, Qdot,rho1,rho2 )
+ implicit none
+ CCTK_REAL rho1,rho2
+ CCTK_REAL :: r, rho, u, v, rs, rhos, M, Mdot, Kval, gam, Qdot
+ CCTK_REAL :: ur,r_sol, rho_old
+ CCTK_REAL :: f, df, dx, x_old, resid, jac
+ CCTK_REAL :: errx, x_orig, x
+ CCTK_INT :: n_iter, i_extra, doing_extra, keep_iterating, i_increase
+ CCTK_REAL :: vp, h, hp, term
+ CCTK_REAL :: newt_tol_b,small_bondi
+ CCTK_INT :: max_newt_iter_b, extra_newt_iter_b
+ if(rho.gt.rho1.or.rho.lt.rho2) then
+ write(6,*)'Very Bad rho! ',rho1,rho2,rho
+ stop
+ endif
+ max_newt_iter_b = 30
+ newt_tol_b = 1.0e-15
+ extra_newt_iter_b = 2
+ small_bondi = 1.0e-20
+!!$ if(r>8.1043 .and. r<8.1044)write(*,*)'init guess:',r,rho
+!!$ write(*,*)'init guess:',r,rho
+!!$ if (rho < 0.) then
+!!$ if( r > 0.9*rs .and. r < 1.1*rs ) then
+!!$ rho = rhos
+!!$ else
+!!$ if(r < rs) then
+!!$ ur = r**(-0.5)
+!!$ else
+!!$ ur = 0.5*r**(-1.5)
+!!$ endif
+!!$ rho = Mdot / (4.*M_PI * r * r * ur)
+!!$ endif
+!!$ endif
+!!$ if(r>8.1043 .and. r<8.1044)
+!!$ write(*,*)'init guess:',r,ur,rho,rs,rhos,Mdot
+!!$ if(r<1.0001e-10)write(*,*)'init guess:',r,ur,rho,rs,rhos,Mdot
+!!$ write(*,*)'init guess:',r,ur,rho,rs,rhos,Mdot
+!!$ set global variables needed by residual function:
+ r_sol = r
+!!$ Use Newton's method to find rho:
+!!$ gnr_bondi( rho, NEWT_DIM_B, bondi_resid)
+ errx = 1.0
+ df=1.0
+ f=1.0
+ doing_extra = 0
+ rho_old=rho
+ x=rho
+ n_iter = 0
+!!$ Start the Newton-Raphson iterations :
+ keep_iterating = 1
+ do while( keep_iterating == 1 )
+ hp = Kval * gam * x**(gam - 2.) !!$ // dh/drho
+ h = 1. + hp * x / ( gam - 1. )
+ v = Mdot / ( 4. * M_PI * r_sol * r_sol * x )
+ vp = -v / x !!$ // dv/drho
+ term = 1. - 2.*M/r_sol + v*v
+ resid = -Qdot + h * h * term
+ jac = 2. * h *( hp*term + h*v*vp )
+ dx = -resid / jac
+ f = 0.5*resid**2
+ df = -2. * f
+ errx = 0.
+ x_old = x
+ x=x+dx
+ if(x.gt.rho1.or.x.lt.rho2) then
+!!$ write(6,*)'Bad rho! ',rho1,rho2,rho
+ if(x.gt.rho1)x=0.5*(x_old+rho1)
+ if(x.lt.rho2)x=0.5*(x_old+rho2)
+ endif
+ if(x.gt.rho1.or.x.lt.rho2) then
+ write(6,*)'Bad rho, bad! ',rho1,rho2,rho
+ stop
+ endif
+!!$ if(r>8.1043 .and. r<8.1044)write(*,*)'iter:',x,dx,resid,jac
+!!$ /****************************************/
+!!$ /* Calculate the convergence criterion */
+!!$ /****************************************/
+!!$ /* For the new criterion, always look at relative error in indep. variable: */
+!!$ // METHOD specific:
+ if(x==0) then
+ errx = abs(dx)
+ x = small_bondi
+ else
+ errx = abs(dx/x)
+ endif
+!!$ /*****************************************************************************/
+!!$ /* If we've reached the tolerance level, then just do a few extra iterations */
+!!$ /* before stopping */
+!!$ /*****************************************************************************/
+!!$ if(r>8.1043 .and. r<8.1044)write(*,*)'iter3:',errx,newt_tol_b,keep_iterating, &
+!!$ doing_extra,i_extra
+ if((abs(errx)<=newt_tol_b) .and. (doing_extra == 0) .and. (extra_newt_iter_b > 0)) &
+ doing_extra=1
+ if( doing_extra == 1 ) i_extra=i_extra+1
+ if( ((abs(errx) <= newt_tol_b).and.(doing_extra == 0)) .or. &
+ (i_extra > extra_newt_iter_b) .or. (n_iter >= (max_newt_iter_b-1)) ) then
+ keep_iterating = 0
+ if(n_iter>=(max_newt_iter_b-1))write(6,*)'Extra iterations!'
+ endif
+!!$ if(r>8.1043 .and. r<8.1044)write(*,*)'iter4:',errx,newt_tol_b,keep_iterating, &
+!!$ doing_extra,i_extra
+ n_iter=n_iter+1
+ end do
+ rho=x
+!!$ Calculate other quantities:
+ u = Kval * rho**( gam ) / (gam - 1.)
+ v = Mdot / ( 4. * M_PI * r * r * rho )
+!!$ if(r>8.1043 .and. r<8.1044)
+!!$ write(*,*)'final:',r,rho,u,v
+ return
+ end subroutine find_bondi_solution_bracket
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