[Commits] [svn:einsteintoolkit] GRHydro_InitData/trunk/ (Rev. 187)

rhaas at tapir.caltech.edu rhaas at tapir.caltech.edu
Thu Nov 8 19:59:28 CST 2012

User: rhaas
Date: 2012/11/08 07:59 PM


 GRHydro_InitData: Set optionally the plasma beta parameter at the sonic point.
 From: Bruno Coutinho Mundim <bcmsma at astro.rit.edu>

File Changes:

Directory: /trunk/src/

File [modified]: GRHydro_BondiM_new.F90
Delta lines: +37 -8
--- trunk/src/GRHydro_BondiM_new.F90	2012-11-09 01:59:26 UTC (rev 186)
+++ trunk/src/GRHydro_BondiM_new.F90	2012-11-09 01:59:28 UTC (rev 187)
@@ -60,12 +60,13 @@
   CCTK_REAL :: ONEmTINY, tiny
   PARAMETER (N_points=100000,ONEmTINY=0.999999d0,tiny=1.0d-12)
   CCTK_REAL :: M, Msq, Mdot, rs, gam, rmin_bondi, rmax_bondi, cs_sq,cs,vs_sq,vs,rhos,gtemp,hs, Kval, Qdot
+  CCTK_REAL :: psonic, riso_s
   CCTK_REAL :: logrmin,dlogr,rhotmp,utmp,vtmp,rspher
   CCTK_REAL :: r_bondi(N_points), logr_bondi(N_points), rho_bondi(N_points), u_bondi(N_points), v_bondi(N_points)
   CCTK_REAL :: drhodr, det, rhocheck, rhocheck2, riso, rnew, rsch, ucheck
   CCTK_REAL :: uiso, uisocheck, vcheck, ucheck2, vcheck2, xhat,yhat, zhat, xp, yp, zp
   CCTK_REAL :: f,df,ddf,a,b,c,rsm,roverm,dudr,uisocheck2,auiso,buiso
-  CCTK_REAL :: bondi_bsmooth
+  CCTK_REAL :: bondi_bsmooth, bmag
   character(400) :: debug_message
@@ -74,11 +75,17 @@
   Msq  = M*M
   Mdot = mdot_sonicpt_bondi
   rs = r_sonicpt_bondi
+  riso_s = 0.5d0*(rs-M+sqrt(rs*(rs-2.0d0*M)))
   gam = gl_gamma
-  write(debug_message,'(a,4f22.14)') "Bondi_pars: ",M,mdot_sonicpt_bondi, &
-                                                    r_sonicpt_bondi,gl_gamma
+  write(debug_message,'(a,2f22.14)') "Bondi_pars: M, mdot_sonicpt_bondi,",&
+                                                  M,mdot_sonicpt_bondi
   call CCTK_INFO(debug_message)
+  write(debug_message,'(a,2f22.14)') "Bondi_pars: r_sonicpt_bondi,gl_gamma", &
+                                                    r_sonicpt_bondi,gl_gamma 
+  call CCTK_INFO(debug_message)
+  write(debug_message,'(a,f22.14)') "Bondi_pars: riso_s", riso_s
+  call CCTK_INFO(debug_message)
   rmin_bondi = M * bondi_rmin(1)
   rmax_bondi = M * bondi_rmax(1)
@@ -98,13 +105,18 @@
   hs     =  1. / ( 1. - cs_sq / (gam - 1.) )
   Kval      = hs * cs_sq * rhos**(-gtemp) / gam 
   Qdot   = hs * hs * ( 1. - 3. * vs_sq ) 
+  ! Get the pressure value psonic at the sonic point
+  psonic = Kval * rhos**gam
   logrmin = log10(rmin_bondi)
   dlogr = (log10(rmax_bondi) - logrmin)/(1.*(N_points-1))
-  write(debug_message,'(a,8f22.14)') "More pars: ",cs,vs,rhos,hs,Kval,Qdot,&
-                                                   logrmin,dlogr
+  write(debug_message,'(a,4f22.14)') "Bondi pars: cs,vs,rhos,hs",cs,vs,rhos,hs
   call CCTK_INFO(debug_message)
+  write(debug_message,'(a,2f22.14)') "Bondi pars: Kval,Qdot ",Kval,Qdot
+  call CCTK_INFO(debug_message)
+  write(debug_message,'(a,2f22.14)') "Bondi pars: logrmin,dlogr",logrmin,dlogr
+  call CCTK_INFO(debug_message)
@@ -122,6 +134,7 @@
 !!$  rhotmp = -1.  !!$ start with guess
   rhotmp=rhos      !!$ start with value at sonic point!
   do i=imin,N_points
      rspher = r_bondi(i) 
      call find_bondi_solution( rspher, rhotmp, utmp, vtmp, rs, rhos, M, Mdot, Kval, gam, Qdot )
@@ -203,6 +216,22 @@
+ ! Note that: B^r(t,r) = bondi_bmag M^2 / ( sqrt(\Lambda) \lambda r^2 )
+ ! according to eq. 82 of PRD82 084031 (2010). Assuming Schwarzschild 
+ ! coordinates B^r = bondi_bmag M^2/r^2 sqrt(1-2M/r). We can show that
+ ! b^\mu b_\mu = (B^r)^2 and from the definition of plasma beta parameter
+ ! we can find that bondi_bmag = sqrt(2P/\beta) r^2/M 1/sqrt(1-2M/r) 
+ if(set_bondi_beta_sonicpt.ne.0) then
+  bmag = sqrt(2.0d0*psonic/bondi_beta_sonicpt)*rs**2/M &
+              /sqrt(1.0d0-2.0d0*M/rs)
+ else
+  bmag = bondi_bmag
+ end if 
+ write(debug_message,'(a,2f22.14)')'Bondi pars: rs, psonic',rs, psonic
+ call CCTK_INFO(debug_message)
+ write(debug_message,'(a,2f22.14)')'Bondi pars: bondi_bmag,bondi_beta_sonicpt',&
+                                                bmag,bondi_beta_sonicpt
+ call CCTK_INFO(debug_message)
   do i=1,nx
      do j=1,ny
@@ -261,9 +290,9 @@
-           Bvecx(i,j,k) = bondi_bsmooth*bondi_bmag*M**2*xhat/sqrt(det)/riso**2
-           Bvecy(i,j,k) = bondi_bsmooth*bondi_bmag*M**2*yhat/sqrt(det)/riso**2
-           Bvecz(i,j,k) = bondi_bsmooth*bondi_bmag*M**2*zhat/sqrt(det)/riso**2
+           Bvecx(i,j,k) = bondi_bsmooth*bmag*M**2*xhat/sqrt(det)/riso**2
+           Bvecy(i,j,k) = bondi_bsmooth*bmag*M**2*yhat/sqrt(det)/riso**2
+           Bvecz(i,j,k) = bondi_bsmooth*bmag*M**2*zhat/sqrt(det)/riso**2
            call Prim2ConGenM(GRHydro_eos_handle,gxx(i,j,k),gxy(i,j,k), &
                           gxz(i,j,k),gyy(i,j,k),gyz(i,j,k),gzz(i,j,k), &

Directory: /trunk/

File [modified]: param.ccl
Delta lines: +9 -0
--- trunk/param.ccl	2012-11-09 01:59:26 UTC (rev 186)
+++ trunk/param.ccl	2012-11-09 01:59:28 UTC (rev 187)
@@ -277,6 +277,15 @@
   0:* :: "Anything positive"
 } 0.01
+CCTK_BOOLEAN set_bondi_beta_sonicpt "Set plasma beta parameter instead of bondi_bmag"
+} no
+CCTK_REAL  bondi_beta_sonicpt "Plasma beta parameter at the sonic point. Calculate bondi_bmag afterwards."
+  (0:* :: "positive"
+} 1.0
 # For Poloidal Magnetic field test:
 CCTK_REAL poloidal_A_b  "Vector potential strength"

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