[Commits] [svn:einsteintoolkit] AHFinderDirect/trunk/src/driver/ (Rev. 1572)

rhaas at tapir.caltech.edu rhaas at tapir.caltech.edu
Fri Feb 1 22:54:18 CST 2013

User: rhaas
Date: 2013/02/01 10:54 PM


 Dont use recovered origin if AH was never found
 Problem: After some time in the simulation, I want to search for an horizon. I
 do not know where the horizon appears initially when the simulation started. I
 therefore leave origin_* and initial_guesscoord_sphere*_center at zero.
 By some means later, I have figured out where the horizon will appear.
 Therefore, after recovery, I want to set origin_* and
 initial_guesscoord_sphere*_center to the origin where I believe the horizon
 will appear.
 Unfortunately, upon recovery, the new origin_* is overwritten by whatever was
 stored in ah_origin_* (this would be zero). Generally, this means that the
 initial guess ellipsoid that is setup when a horizon has never been found, is
 ill-posed (because the initial (and incorrect) origin_* are used with the
 updated initial_guesscoord_sphere*_center).
 Solution: Don't use the stored AH origin upon recovery when a horizon has never
 been found before.
 Patch by Christian Reisswig

File Changes:

Directory: /trunk/src/driver/

File [modified]: BH_diagnostics.cc
Delta lines: +6 -3
--- trunk/src/driver/BH_diagnostics.cc	2013-01-18 17:54:47 UTC (rev 1571)
+++ trunk/src/driver/BH_diagnostics.cc	2013-02-02 04:54:18 UTC (rev 1572)
@@ -834,9 +834,12 @@
   struct AH_data& AH_data = *state.AH_data_array[horizon_number];
   patch_system& ps = *AH_data.ps_ptr;
-  ps.origin_x(ah_origin_x[horizon_number-1]);
-  ps.origin_y(ah_origin_y[horizon_number-1]);
-  ps.origin_z(ah_origin_z[horizon_number-1]);
+  // only use stored origins if horizon had not yet been found!
+  if (ah_found_flag[horizon_number-1]) {
+    ps.origin_x(ah_origin_x[horizon_number-1]);
+    ps.origin_y(ah_origin_y[horizon_number-1]);
+    ps.origin_z(ah_origin_z[horizon_number-1]);
+  }
   for (int pn = 0; pn < ps.N_patches(); ++pn) {
     assert (pn < 6);

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