[Commits] [svn:einsteintoolkit] AHFinderDirect/trunk/src/driver/ (Rev. 1573)
rhaas at tapir.caltech.edu
rhaas at tapir.caltech.edu
Fri Feb 1 23:47:25 CST 2013
User: rhaas
Date: 2013/02/01 11:47 PM
Newton.cc, driver.hh, find_horizons.cc, setup.cc
Dont use initial guess origins from parameters when tracking from gridscalar
Problem: My horizon will appear sometimes during the simulation at some position. I don't know this position in advance, so I set origin_* and AHFinderDirect::initial_guesscoord_sphere*_center to zero initially in my par-file. However, I have a grid scalar which tracks the coordinate location where the horizon will eventually appear.
When the horizon finder starts to search for a horizon, it will first setup the
coordinate ellipsoid. This routine is executed *before* the new origin is set
from the grid scalar.
The tracking occurs in the routine Newton(...). The ellipsoid is set before
Newton(...) gets executed. Hence, the ellipsoid uses the value that got set via
parameters (which would be zero in my case).
Patch by Christian Reisswig
File Changes:
Directory: /trunk/src/driver/
File [modified]: Newton.cc
Delta lines: +45 -21
--- trunk/src/driver/Newton.cc 2013-02-02 04:54:18 UTC (rev 1572)
+++ trunk/src/driver/Newton.cc 2013-02-02 05:47:25 UTC (rev 1573)
@@ -83,8 +83,51 @@
const struct verbose_info& verbose_info);
+void track_origin(const cGH* const cctkGH, patch_system& ps,
+ struct AH_data* const AH_data_ptr,
+ const int hn, const bool print_algorithm_highlights);
+// This function reads a coordinate origin from a grid scalar,
+// and sets the patch system's origin to that new value
+void track_origin(const cGH* const cctkGH, patch_system& ps,
+ struct AH_data* const AH_data_ptr,
+ const int hn, const bool print_algorithm_highlights)
+if (AH_data_ptr->depends_on == 0) {
+ // move the origin as specified in the grid scalars
+ fp const * const ox =
+ static_cast<CCTK_REAL const *>
+ (CCTK_VarDataPtr (cctkGH, 0, track_origin_source_x[hn]));
+ assert (ox);
+ fp const * const oy =
+ static_cast<CCTK_REAL const *>
+ (CCTK_VarDataPtr (cctkGH, 0, track_origin_source_y[hn]));
+ assert (oy);
+ fp const * const oz =
+ static_cast<CCTK_REAL const *>
+ (CCTK_VarDataPtr (cctkGH, 0, track_origin_source_z[hn]));
+ assert (oz);
+ if (print_algorithm_highlights) {
+ std::cout << "AHF tracked position ox " << *ox << " oy " << *oy << " oz " << *oz << std::endl;
+ }
+ ps.origin_x (*ox);
+ ps.origin_y (*oy);
+ ps.origin_z (*oz);
// This function tries to finds each horizon assigned to this processor,
// by solving Theta(h) = 0 via Newton's method. For each horizon found,
@@ -331,27 +374,8 @@
- if (track_origin_from_grid_scalar[hn] && AH_data_ptr->depends_on == 0) {
- // move the origin as specified in the grid scalars
- fp const * const ox =
- static_cast<CCTK_REAL const *>
- (CCTK_VarDataPtr (cctkGH, 0, track_origin_source_x[hn]));
- assert (ox);
- fp const * const oy =
- static_cast<CCTK_REAL const *>
- (CCTK_VarDataPtr (cctkGH, 0, track_origin_source_y[hn]));
- assert (oy);
- fp const * const oz =
- static_cast<CCTK_REAL const *>
- (CCTK_VarDataPtr (cctkGH, 0, track_origin_source_z[hn]));
- assert (oz);
- if (verbose_info.print_algorithm_highlights) {
- std::cout << "AHF tracked position ox " << *ox << " oy " << *oy << " oz " << *oz << std::endl;
- }
- patch_system& ps = *ps_ptr;
- ps.origin_x (*ox);
- ps.origin_y (*oy);
- ps.origin_z (*oz);
+ if (track_origin_from_grid_scalar[hn]) {
+ track_origin(cctkGH, *ps_ptr, AH_data_ptr, hn, verbose_info.print_algorithm_highlights);
// modify the initial guess
File [modified]: driver.hh
Delta lines: +9 -0
--- trunk/src/driver/driver.hh 2013-02-02 04:54:18 UTC (rev 1572)
+++ trunk/src/driver/driver.hh 2013-02-02 05:47:25 UTC (rev 1573)
@@ -431,6 +431,10 @@
enum initial_guess_method
decode_initial_guess_method(const char initial_guess_method_string[]);
+void set_initial_guess_parameters(struct AH_data& AH_data, const int hn,
+ const fp origin_x, const fp origin_y, const fp origin_z);
// Newton.cc
// returns true for success, false for failure to converge
void Newton(const cGH* GH,
@@ -447,6 +451,11 @@
const struct verbose_info& verbose_info,
struct iteration_status_buffers& isb);
+// Tracks coordinate origin
+void track_origin(const cGH* const cctkGH, patch_system& ps,
+ struct AH_data* const AH_data_ptr,
+ const int hn, const bool print_algorithm_highlights);
// io.cc
void input_gridfn(patch_system& ps, int unknown_gfn,
const struct IO_info& IO_info, const char base_file_name[],
File [modified]: find_horizons.cc
Delta lines: +6 -1
--- trunk/src/driver/find_horizons.cc 2013-02-02 04:54:18 UTC (rev 1572)
+++ trunk/src/driver/find_horizons.cc 2013-02-02 05:47:25 UTC (rev 1573)
@@ -255,8 +255,13 @@
if (verbose_info.print_algorithm_highlights) {
printf ("AHF find_horizons[%d] setup_initial_guess\n", hn);
+ if (track_origin_from_grid_scalar[hn] && state.method == method__find_horizons) {
+ track_origin(cctkGH, ps, &AH_data, hn, verbose_info.print_algorithm_highlights);
+ set_initial_guess_parameters(AH_data, hn,
+ ps.origin_x(), ps.origin_y(), ps.origin_z());
+ }
- AH_data.initial_guess_info,
+ AH_data.initial_guess_info,
hn, N_horizons, verbose_info);
if (active_flag && IO_info.output_initial_guess)
File [modified]: setup.cc
Delta lines: +128 -51
--- trunk/src/driver/setup.cc 2013-02-02 04:54:18 UTC (rev 1572)
+++ trunk/src/driver/setup.cc 2013-02-02 05:47:25 UTC (rev 1573)
@@ -85,9 +85,136 @@
fp origin_x, fp origin_y, fp origin_z);
+void set_initial_guess_parameters(struct AH_data& AH_data, const int hn,
+ const fp ini_origin_x, const fp ini_origin_y, const fp ini_origin_z);
+// This function is used to setup initial guesses either from
+// the corresponding parameters, or from a custom ini_origin_*.
+// The latter is necessary when tracking with a grid scalar.
+void set_initial_guess_parameters(struct AH_data& AH_data, const int hn,
+ const fp ini_origin_x, const fp ini_origin_y, const fp ini_origin_z)
+ AH_data.initial_guess_info.method
+ = decode_initial_guess_method(initial_guess_method[hn]);
+ AH_data.initial_guess_info.reset_horizon_after_not_finding
+ = reset_horizon_after_not_finding[hn];
+ // ... read from named file
+ AH_data.initial_guess_info.read_from_named_file_info.file_name
+ = initial_guess__read_from_named_file__file_name[hn];
+if (!track_origin_from_grid_scalar[hn]) {
+ // ... Kerr/Kerr
+ AH_data.initial_guess_info.Kerr_Kerr_info.x_posn
+ = initial_guess__Kerr_Kerr__x_posn[hn];
+ AH_data.initial_guess_info.Kerr_Kerr_info.y_posn
+ = initial_guess__Kerr_Kerr__y_posn[hn];
+ AH_data.initial_guess_info.Kerr_Kerr_info.z_posn
+ = initial_guess__Kerr_Kerr__z_posn[hn];
+ AH_data.initial_guess_info.Kerr_Kerr_info.mass
+ = initial_guess__Kerr_Kerr__mass[hn];
+ AH_data.initial_guess_info.Kerr_Kerr_info.spin
+ = initial_guess__Kerr_Kerr__spin[hn];
+ // ... Kerr/Kerr-Schild
+ AH_data.initial_guess_info.Kerr_KerrSchild_info.x_posn
+ = initial_guess__Kerr_KerrSchild__x_posn[hn];
+ AH_data.initial_guess_info.Kerr_KerrSchild_info.y_posn
+ = initial_guess__Kerr_KerrSchild__y_posn[hn];
+ AH_data.initial_guess_info.Kerr_KerrSchild_info.z_posn
+ = initial_guess__Kerr_KerrSchild__z_posn[hn];
+ AH_data.initial_guess_info.Kerr_KerrSchild_info.mass
+ = initial_guess__Kerr_KerrSchild__mass[hn];
+ AH_data.initial_guess_info.Kerr_KerrSchild_info.spin
+ = initial_guess__Kerr_KerrSchild__spin[hn];
+ // ... coordinate sphere
+ AH_data.initial_guess_info.coord_sphere_info.x_center
+ = initial_guess__coord_sphere__x_center[hn];
+ AH_data.initial_guess_info.coord_sphere_info.y_center
+ = initial_guess__coord_sphere__y_center[hn];
+ AH_data.initial_guess_info.coord_sphere_info.z_center
+ = initial_guess__coord_sphere__z_center[hn];
+ AH_data.initial_guess_info.coord_sphere_info.radius
+ = initial_guess__coord_sphere__radius[hn];
+ // ... coordinate ellipsoid
+ AH_data.initial_guess_info.coord_ellipsoid_info.x_center
+ = initial_guess__coord_ellipsoid__x_center[hn];
+ AH_data.initial_guess_info.coord_ellipsoid_info.y_center
+ = initial_guess__coord_ellipsoid__y_center[hn];
+ AH_data.initial_guess_info.coord_ellipsoid_info.z_center
+ = initial_guess__coord_ellipsoid__z_center[hn];
+ AH_data.initial_guess_info.coord_ellipsoid_info.x_radius
+ = initial_guess__coord_ellipsoid__x_radius[hn];
+ AH_data.initial_guess_info.coord_ellipsoid_info.y_radius
+ = initial_guess__coord_ellipsoid__y_radius[hn];
+ AH_data.initial_guess_info.coord_ellipsoid_info.z_radius
+ = initial_guess__coord_ellipsoid__z_radius[hn];
+} else {
+ // ... Kerr/Kerr
+ AH_data.initial_guess_info.Kerr_Kerr_info.x_posn
+ = ini_origin_x;
+ AH_data.initial_guess_info.Kerr_Kerr_info.y_posn
+ = ini_origin_y;
+ AH_data.initial_guess_info.Kerr_Kerr_info.z_posn
+ = ini_origin_z;
+ AH_data.initial_guess_info.Kerr_Kerr_info.mass
+ = initial_guess__Kerr_Kerr__mass[hn];
+ AH_data.initial_guess_info.Kerr_Kerr_info.spin
+ = initial_guess__Kerr_Kerr__spin[hn];
+ // ... Kerr/Kerr-Schild
+ AH_data.initial_guess_info.Kerr_KerrSchild_info.x_posn
+ = ini_origin_x;
+ AH_data.initial_guess_info.Kerr_KerrSchild_info.y_posn
+ = ini_origin_y;
+ AH_data.initial_guess_info.Kerr_KerrSchild_info.z_posn
+ = ini_origin_z;
+ AH_data.initial_guess_info.Kerr_KerrSchild_info.mass
+ = initial_guess__Kerr_KerrSchild__mass[hn];
+ AH_data.initial_guess_info.Kerr_KerrSchild_info.spin
+ = initial_guess__Kerr_KerrSchild__spin[hn];
+ // ... coordinate sphere
+ AH_data.initial_guess_info.coord_sphere_info.x_center
+ = ini_origin_x;
+ AH_data.initial_guess_info.coord_sphere_info.y_center
+ = ini_origin_y;
+ AH_data.initial_guess_info.coord_sphere_info.z_center
+ = ini_origin_z;
+ AH_data.initial_guess_info.coord_sphere_info.radius
+ = initial_guess__coord_sphere__radius[hn];
+ // ... coordinate ellipsoid
+ AH_data.initial_guess_info.coord_ellipsoid_info.x_center
+ = ini_origin_x;
+ AH_data.initial_guess_info.coord_ellipsoid_info.y_center
+ = ini_origin_y;
+ AH_data.initial_guess_info.coord_ellipsoid_info.z_center
+ = ini_origin_z;
+ AH_data.initial_guess_info.coord_ellipsoid_info.x_radius
+ = initial_guess__coord_ellipsoid__x_radius[hn];
+ AH_data.initial_guess_info.coord_ellipsoid_info.y_radius
+ = initial_guess__coord_ellipsoid__y_radius[hn];
+ AH_data.initial_guess_info.coord_ellipsoid_info.z_radius
+ = initial_guess__coord_ellipsoid__z_radius[hn];
// ***** access to persistent data *****
extern struct state state;
@@ -591,57 +718,7 @@
if (verbose_info.print_algorithm_details)
" setting initial guess parameters etc");
- AH_data.initial_guess_info.method
- = decode_initial_guess_method(initial_guess_method[hn]);
- AH_data.initial_guess_info.reset_horizon_after_not_finding
- = reset_horizon_after_not_finding[hn];
- // ... read from named file
- AH_data.initial_guess_info.read_from_named_file_info.file_name
- = initial_guess__read_from_named_file__file_name[hn];
- // ... Kerr/Kerr
- AH_data.initial_guess_info.Kerr_Kerr_info.x_posn
- = initial_guess__Kerr_Kerr__x_posn[hn];
- AH_data.initial_guess_info.Kerr_Kerr_info.y_posn
- = initial_guess__Kerr_Kerr__y_posn[hn];
- AH_data.initial_guess_info.Kerr_Kerr_info.z_posn
- = initial_guess__Kerr_Kerr__z_posn[hn];
- AH_data.initial_guess_info.Kerr_Kerr_info.mass
- = initial_guess__Kerr_Kerr__mass[hn];
- AH_data.initial_guess_info.Kerr_Kerr_info.spin
- = initial_guess__Kerr_Kerr__spin[hn];
- // ... Kerr/Kerr-Schild
- AH_data.initial_guess_info.Kerr_KerrSchild_info.x_posn
- = initial_guess__Kerr_KerrSchild__x_posn[hn];
- AH_data.initial_guess_info.Kerr_KerrSchild_info.y_posn
- = initial_guess__Kerr_KerrSchild__y_posn[hn];
- AH_data.initial_guess_info.Kerr_KerrSchild_info.z_posn
- = initial_guess__Kerr_KerrSchild__z_posn[hn];
- AH_data.initial_guess_info.Kerr_KerrSchild_info.mass
- = initial_guess__Kerr_KerrSchild__mass[hn];
- AH_data.initial_guess_info.Kerr_KerrSchild_info.spin
- = initial_guess__Kerr_KerrSchild__spin[hn];
- // ... coordinate sphere
- AH_data.initial_guess_info.coord_sphere_info.x_center
- = initial_guess__coord_sphere__x_center[hn];
- AH_data.initial_guess_info.coord_sphere_info.y_center
- = initial_guess__coord_sphere__y_center[hn];
- AH_data.initial_guess_info.coord_sphere_info.z_center
- = initial_guess__coord_sphere__z_center[hn];
- AH_data.initial_guess_info.coord_sphere_info.radius
- = initial_guess__coord_sphere__radius[hn];
- // ... coordinate ellipsoid
- AH_data.initial_guess_info.coord_ellipsoid_info.x_center
- = initial_guess__coord_ellipsoid__x_center[hn];
- AH_data.initial_guess_info.coord_ellipsoid_info.y_center
- = initial_guess__coord_ellipsoid__y_center[hn];
- AH_data.initial_guess_info.coord_ellipsoid_info.z_center
- = initial_guess__coord_ellipsoid__z_center[hn];
- AH_data.initial_guess_info.coord_ellipsoid_info.x_radius
- = initial_guess__coord_ellipsoid__x_radius[hn];
- AH_data.initial_guess_info.coord_ellipsoid_info.y_radius
- = initial_guess__coord_ellipsoid__y_radius[hn];
- AH_data.initial_guess_info.coord_ellipsoid_info.z_radius
- = initial_guess__coord_ellipsoid__z_radius[hn];
+ set_initial_guess_parameters(AH_data, hn, /* irrelevant here; leave at zero */0, 0, 0);
AH_data.search_flag = false;
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