[Commits] [svn:einsteintoolkit] HydroBase/trunk/ (Rev. 62)

rhaas at tapir.caltech.edu rhaas at tapir.caltech.edu
Wed May 15 15:46:57 CDT 2013

User: rhaas
Date: 2013/05/15 03:46 PM


 extent ID keywords by "read from file"
 if given, we do nothing and assume the user uses IOUtil's filereader capability
 to read in ID from disk.

File Changes:

Directory: /trunk/

File [modified]: param.ccl
Delta lines: +6 -0
--- trunk/param.ccl	2013-05-10 15:42:45 UTC (rev 61)
+++ trunk/param.ccl	2013-05-15 20:46:57 UTC (rev 62)
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
   "none" :: "inactive"
   "one"  :: "initially set to one"
+  "read from file" :: "do nothing, filereader will provide data"
 } "none"
 KEYWORD Y_e_evolution_method "Evolution method for Y_e"
@@ -57,18 +58,21 @@
   "none" :: "inactive"
   "zero" :: "initially set to zero"
+  "read from file" :: "do nothing, filereader will provide data"
 } "none"
 KEYWORD initial_Avec "Initial value for Avec"
   "none" :: "inactive"
   "zero" :: "initially set to zero"
+  "read from file" :: "do nothing, filereader will provide data"
 } "none"
 KEYWORD initial_Aphi "Initial value for Aphi"
   "none" :: "inactive"
   "zero" :: "initially set to zero"
+  "read from file" :: "do nothing, filereader will provide data"
 } "none"
 KEYWORD Bvec_evolution_method "Evolution method for Bvec"
@@ -87,12 +91,14 @@
   "none"  :: "inactive"
   "zero"  :: "initially set to zero"
+  "read from file" :: "do nothing, filereader will provide data"
 } "none"
 KEYWORD initial_entropy "Initial value for entropy"
   "none"  :: "inactive"
   "zero"  :: "initially set to zero"
+  "read from file" :: "do nothing, filereader will provide data"
 } "none"

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