[Commits] [svn:einsteintoolkit] www/about/releases/ (Rev. 1683)

ian.hinder at aei.mpg.de ian.hinder at aei.mpg.de
Mon Dec 12 16:56:59 CST 2016

User: hinder
Date: 2016/12/12 04:56 PM


 ET_2016_11 announcement: Move upcoming changes to after changes
 The text didn't make sense before, and also, people probably expect to
 see what is new in this release, not what is going to be new in the next

File Changes:

Directory: /about/releases/

File [modified]: ET_2016_11_announcement.txt
Delta lines: +11 -14
--- about/releases/ET_2016_11_announcement.txt	2016-12-12 22:56:54 UTC (rev 1682)
+++ about/releases/ET_2016_11_announcement.txt	2016-12-12 22:56:59 UTC (rev 1683)
@@ -61,20 +61,6 @@
 portion of the tested machines, almost all of these test suites pass, using both
 MPI and OpenMP parallelization.
-The changes between this and the previous release include:
-=== Upcoming changes for the next releases
-The Tmunu paramer support_old_CalcTmunu_mechanism, will be removed after this
-release. If you rely on this, your code is probably unnecessarily slow. Let us
-know if the removal would create a problem for you.
-Most of the Fortran code in GRHydro was already replaced by more modern, and
-much easier to maintain C++ code. Up to now, both versions are compiled, and
-can be chosen at start-time. For a few releases the C++ versions are the
-default. After this release, the Fortran versions will be removed. Let us know
-if the removal would create a problem for you.
 === Larger changes since last release ===
 * Cactus Flesh
@@ -104,7 +90,18 @@
            - has been publicly available for some time already, but is
              now part of the Einstein Toolkit
+=== Upcoming changes for the next releases
+The Tmunu paramer support_old_CalcTmunu_mechanism, will be removed after this
+release. If you rely on this, your code is probably unnecessarily slow. Let us
+know if the removal would create a problem for you.
+Most of the Fortran code in GRHydro was already replaced by more modern, and
+much easier to maintain C++ code. Up to now, both versions are compiled, and
+can be chosen at start-time. For a few releases the C++ versions are the
+default. After this release, the Fortran versions will be removed. Let us know
+if the removal would create a problem for you.
 === How to upgrade from Brahe (ET_2016_05) ===
 To upgrade from the previous release, use GetComponents with the new thornlist

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