[Commits] commit/EinsteinAnalysis: knarrff: QuasiLocalMeasures: update testsuites for process-independent output

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Wed May 25 11:06:30 CDT 2016

1 new commit in EinsteinAnalysis:

Changeset:   76e24130c79d
Branch:      master
User:        knarrff
Date:        2016-05-25 16:00:49+00:00
Summary:     QuasiLocalMeasures: update testsuites for process-independent output

Change testsuites to use compact ASCII output and to not output
information from within ghostzones. This makes the output independent
from the number of processes, and allows the 2-process testsuites
to succeed, even with the output generated using 1 process.

The testsuites did succeed before this change, but only on one process.
They did fail on more than one, due to completely different output
format then. However, the testsuite mechanism didn't pick up this
failure until only lately, due to multiple factors. One was (and still
is) that Cactus has issues detecting errors when values are zero, due to
relative errors being non-trivial to define. Ticket #1889 is about that.

The other issue was that, while those lines were skipped, the different
length of the output files was not detected until a fix for that was
introduced recently, uncovering the problem here.

Affected #:  924 files

Repository URL: https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/einsteinanalysis/


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