[Commits] commit/WVUThorns: zach_etienne: WVUThorns: ID_converter_ILGRMHD -- allocate storage for Avec and Aphi regardless of how pure_hydro_run parameter is set.

Bitbucket commits-noreply at bitbucket.org
Wed May 20 15:32:01 CDT 2020

1 new commit in WVUThorns:

Changeset:   15645db5265c
Branch:      master
User:        zach_etienne
Date:        2020-05-20 20:31:54+00:00
Summary:     WVUThorns: ID_converter_ILGRMHD -- allocate storage for Avec and Aphi regardless of how pure_hydro_run parameter is set.

Affected #:  1 file

Repository URL: https://bitbucket.org/zach_etienne/wvuthorns/


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