[Cosmoparticle-wg] ET "Cosmology and particles" working group call

helvi witek helvi.witek at kcl.ac.uk
Mon Apr 16 10:50:38 CDT 2018

Dear all,

please consider joining our working group call next Monday, 23rd March
2018, at 4:30pm (UTC, i.e. UK/Portugal) / 5:30pm (CET).
You can attend the meeting via the google hangout:

Katy Clough kindly agreed to give us an introduction to GRChombo (
http://www.grchombo.org/), their new, publicly available numerical
relativity code.

If you have any further suggestions for topics to be discussed in the
meeting, please add them to the meeting agenda:

Dr. Helvi Witek
Royal Society University Research Fellow
Theoretical Particle Physics and Cosmology
Department of Physics
King's College London
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