[Cosmoparticle-wg] ET "Cosmology and particles" working group call

Boud Roukema boud at astro.uni.torun.pl
Mon Apr 16 15:46:02 CDT 2018

hi Helvi, all,

On Mon, 16 Apr 2018, helvi witek wrote:

> Katy Clough kindly agreed to give us an introduction to GRChombo (
> http://www.grchombo.org/), their new, publicly available numerical
> relativity code.

GRChombo is *not* just publicly available; it is free software in the
formal sense of "free software" (i.e. free-licensed software -
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/free_software), under the BSD 3-clause


For a code to be publicly available is not very useful in itself,
since that includes non-free codes, for which it is illegal to modify
the code, redistribute it, and/or redistribute modified versions.

What is critical for a scientific community like ours is to be able to
correct bugs in the code, add features, have other people correct bugs
in turn, and freely redistribute corrected versions, while giving
proper credit to who did what and including proper revision/history
control. For software to be publicly available is insufficient to
support this community process; in contrast, being free-licensed
software - such as GRChombo - guarantees the right to free development
by the community.


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