[Cosmoparticle-wg] working group on Cosmology and Partticles
Isabel.Cordero at uv.es
Isabel.Cordero at uv.es
Sat Jan 27 11:48:56 CST 2018
Hi Eloisa and Helvi.
We all know each other so I will avoid presentations.
I have received an email from a colleague with some info about the creation of a working group on Cosmology and Particles to discuss extensions of Numerical Relativity towards new physical applications and their implementation in the Einstein Toolkit. I find these objectives very interesting. I have actually talked to both of you in person or by email about numerical methods or different aspects that can be of interest in applications in NR and extensions, in particular also regarding the Einstein Toolkit. I have so much teaching that I cannot guarantee any time for working on specific tasks but I would like to be part of this working group and hopefully be able to contribute in somehow. Let me know if I can finally be part of it.
Isabel Cordero Carrión
Área de Matemática Aplicada
Departamento de Matemáticas
Facultad de Matemáticas
Universidad de Valencia
C/ Dr. Moliner 50, 46100 Burjassot (Valencia) (Spain)
Tlf: +34 963543233
Email: isabel.cordero at uv.es
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