[Cosmoparticle-wg] ET "Cosmology and particles" meeting reminder

helvi witek helvi.witek at kcl.ac.uk
Sun Mar 18 13:23:48 CDT 2018

Dear all,

just a reminder for our working group call tomorrow, 19th March 2018, at
4:30pm (UTC, i.e. UK/Portugal) / 5:30pm (CET).
Please consider joining via the google hangout:

Daniele Vernieri kindly agreed to give us a brief introduction on Horndeski
theories, the most general scalar-tensor theories yielding second order
field equations that are particularly popular in cosmology.

If you have any suggestions for topics, please add them to the meeting


Dr. Helvi Witek
Royal Society University Research Fellow
Theoretical Particle Physics and Cosmology
Department of Physics
King's College London
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