[ET Trac] [Einstein Toolkit] #323: GetComponents overwrites thorn list

Einstein Toolkit trac-noreply at einsteintoolkit.org
Thu Mar 3 14:17:11 CST 2011

#323: GetComponents overwrites thorn list
  Reporter:  eschnett       |       Owner:  eric9   
      Type:  defect         |      Status:  accepted
  Priority:  critical       |   Milestone:          
 Component:  GetComponents  |     Version:          
Resolution:                 |    Keywords:          

Comment (by eric9):

 Replying to [comment:4 knarf]:
 > Keeping track of all checked out thorns within one Cactus source tree
 would either require to store multiple files (because you might mix
 several thornlists), or you have to combine those and then you can use a
 standard name. I don't think we have that combining code. Any such method
 would then miss thorns checked out by hand however. The only way to catch
 all of the thorns is the 'usual' way of searching the whole tree for the
 RCS-infos - which is messy and doesn't always work (in case someone really
 used a simple wget-http for a thorn).

 I actually have a script called generateCRL.py, which parses the RCS-info
 and generates a CRL file based on any repos found in your current
 directory. It only works for svn and cvs right now though (git, hg, and
 darcs are harder to handle due to the symlinks that we use). Back on topic

 I don't really see why mixing several thornlists would cause problems. We
 already have support for handling multiple lists through the commandline,
 or the include mechanism that Frank added, so it seems to me that all we
 would have to do is add a couple lines of code to write
 $combined_components to $ROOT/.crl/current.crl or something (Erik,
 remember that GetComponents is agnostic to Cactus, so ThornList isn't
 really a good name). Then if GetComponents is run without a provided
 thornlist, it could check for the presence of this file, and proceed as

 Perhaps I'm overlooking something here, but it doesn't seem like it would
 cause problems, other than the case where a user decides to manually
 checkout a thorn. I'll try to experiment with it this weekend.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.einsteintoolkit.org/ticket/323#comment:5>
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The Einstein Toolkit

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