[ET Trac] [Einstein Toolkit] #1260: list registered variables when exceeding MoL accumulator limit

Einstein Toolkit trac-noreply at einsteintoolkit.org
Thu Feb 14 19:17:59 CST 2013

#1260: list registered variables when exceeding MoL accumulator limit
 Reporter:  rhaas                  |       Owner:     
     Type:  enhancement            |      Status:  new
 Priority:  minor                  |   Milestone:     
Component:  EinsteinToolkit thorn  |     Version:     
 Keywords:  MoL                    |  
 Currently when a thorn tries to register more evolved/constrained/sandr
 variables than the respective parameters allow, MoL aborts with an error
 message "You have tried to register more evolved variables than the
 accumulator parameter MoL_Num_Evolved_Variables allows. Check that you are
 accumulating onto this parameter correctly." which is not terribly helpful
 in finding out why this is happening.

 The attached patch increases the verbosity by outputting the name of the
 variable that the thorn is trying to register as well as the list of
 variables already registered.

 The patch itself is simple (if you ignore realloc() and the fact that
 MoL/Register.c contains the same code 12 times for all combinations of
 evolved/constrained/sandr gridfunction/gridarray real/complex). However
 this touches MoL which is rather central.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.einsteintoolkit.org/ticket/1260>
Einstein Toolkit <http://einsteintoolkit.org>
The Einstein Toolkit

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