[ET Trac] [Einstein Toolkit] #1881: Unclear error message for parameter file error

Einstein Toolkit trac-noreply at einsteintoolkit.org
Sun May 1 16:13:16 CDT 2016

#1881: Unclear error message for parameter file error
 Reporter:  eschnett  |       Owner:                     
     Type:  defect    |      Status:  new                
 Priority:  minor     |   Milestone:                     
Component:  Cactus    |     Version:  development version
 Keywords:            |  
 I had this line in a parameter file
 which is missing the {{{= yes}}} at the end. This is a syntax error.

 I receive the following error message:
 ^[[1mWARNING level 0 from host zwicky002 process 0
   while executing schedule bin (none), routine (no thorn)::(no routine)
   in thorn cactus, file mk-mclachlan-funhpc.par:1:
   ->^[[0m ERROR IN PARAMETER FILE:In rule 'file::set' Line=100, Column=95
 # ML_BSSN_FH::block_size_i = 4
 # ML_BSSN_FH::block_size_j = 4
 # ML_BSSN_FH::block_size_k = 4

 ML_BSSN_FH::ML_log_confac_bound = "none"
 Expected one of the following characters: [\[ \t\r\n#=]

 This error message is unclear because
 - it doesn't show the line that has the error; instead, it show only the
 lines that follow (and that are correct)
 - the set of "following characters" is correct, but I got confused by all
 the white space characters that are allowed; a description "expected [ or
 =" might have been more clear
 - the actual error is that there is a parameter, but this parameter is not
 followed by a value; this is not described, since the error message has a
 rather low level ("next character") instead of a high level ("value

Ticket URL: <https://trac.einsteintoolkit.org/ticket/1881>
Einstein Toolkit <http://einsteintoolkit.org>
The Einstein Toolkit

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