[ET Trac] #2539: Unable to compile on Ubuntu 20.04 or run executable

Jason Kodish trac-noreply at einsteintoolkit.org
Wed Jun 23 05:35:23 CDT 2021

#2539: Unable to compile on Ubuntu 20.04 or run executable

 Reporter: Jason Kodish
   Status: new
  Version: ET_2021_05
     Type: bug
 Priority: blocker
Component: SimFactory

I have attempted to compile the toolkit per [https://github.com/nds-org/jupyter-et/blob/master/CactusTutorial.ipynb](https://github.com/nds-org/jupyter-et/blob/master/CactusTutorial.ipynb)

It goes along until getting to this point and stops:

COMPILING Carpet/CarpetLib/src/prolongate\_4d\_o1\_rf2.cc  
make\[2\]: \*\*\* \[/home/cenobyte/Cactus/lib/make/make.thornlib:113: make.checked\] Error 2  
make\[1\]: \*\*\* \[/home/cenobyte/Cactus/lib/make/make.configuration:179: /home/cenobyte/Cactus/configs/sim/lib/libthorn\_ML\_CCZ4.a\] Error 2  
Creating /home/cenobyte/Cactus/configs/sim/lib/libthorn\_CarpetLib.a  
make: \*\*\* \[Makefile:265: sim\] Error 2


Some googling has suggested those errors can be ignored \(Can they be?\), but when I try to run the HelloWorld test example I get this:


./simfactory/bin/sim create-run helloworld --parfile arrangements/CactusExamples/HelloWorld/par/HelloWorld.par  
Parameter file: /home/cenobyte/Cactus/arrangements/CactusExamples/HelloWorld/par/HelloWorld.par  
Error: Executable /home/cenobyte/Cactus/exe/cactus\_sim for configuration sim does not exist or is not readable  
Aborting Simfactory.


Is this because of the failed compile or something else?  
Not sure how to fix that.



Ticket URL: https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/tickets/issues/2539/unable-to-compile-on-ubuntu-2004-or-run
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