[ET Trac] #2616: Add NRPyEllipticET to the Einstein Toolkit

Roland Haas trac-noreply at einsteintoolkit.org
Thu Aug 11 08:12:47 CDT 2022

#2616: Add NRPyEllipticET to the Einstein Toolkit

   Status: new
     Type: enhancement
 Priority: major

Comment (by Roland Haas):

I would be quite worried about having any sort extra functionality \(in particular automatisms\) that has not yet been used in publication in the new contribution. There is the worry that one may end up with a new contribution to the ET that claims to have been used in publication X only for a ET users trying to reproduce X and finding out that this is not possible due to the change. Obviously the would be quite embarrassing. 

While I trust the NRPyElliptic group to carefully run tests, I wonder why take the risk? Submit the version that was actually used for publication, then add the new functionality in the next release cycle. 

Also note that potentially giving the reviewers only a single week for the “does no harm” review is really pushing it. They may be out on a conference, vacation or unavailable for other reasons.

Note that we had called for new contributions in June already \([https://docs.einsteintoolkit.org/et-docs/Meeting\_agenda#2022-06-02](https://docs.einsteintoolkit.org/et-docs/Meeting_agenda#2022-06-02)\) so starting to adapt the contribution _now_ is somewhat late in my opinion. _Before_ the June call should have been the time for adaptation.

Ticket URL: https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/tickets/issues/2616/add-nrpyellipticet-to-the-einstein-toolkit
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