[Users] Meeting minutes

Roland Haas roland.haas at physics.gatech.edu
Mon Jun 6 13:45:27 CDT 2011

Meeting minutes:

Present were: Tanja, Roland, Ian, Erik, Peter, Frank

ET paper:
* status of examples:
** TOV runs are finished (low and high resolution). Fundamental mode 
oscillations are long lived and can be observed nicely. Frequency 
matches expectation. Higher modes are not easy to see, have seen none yet.
** single black hole runs have finished, will process them once Kraken 
is online again (did I get this right?)
** BBH runs are done, L2 norm of masked constraints does not converge to 
zero with higher resolution. Suggest plotting 1D plots of the constraint 
to identify if there is a small region that spoils convergence.

transition to Carpet/Mercurial:
* Ian Hinder has created a wiki page where we can collect information on 
how to transition to the new Carpet version:
* please add any hints that you have there
* Carpet/Hg changes the way buffer zones are handled, it is now the 
regridding thorn's (ie CarpetRegrid2's) responsibility to add sufficient 
buffer zones to any region that it passes to Carpet/CarpetLib. Carpet 
then removes a layer of zones from the input region and declares them 
buffer zones.
* currently some testsuites 
(http://www.aei.mpg.de/~ianhin/tests/einsteintoolkit/) fail with the Hg 
version but not the git version.
* some failures are obvious/already fixed (Slab,Cartoon), others are 
unclear (WeylScal4, however there the tests use CarpetRegrid not 
CarpetRegrid2 which is likely the cause)
* Carpet/Hg seems to not work with multipatch anymore (failures after 
few iterations), Ian and Erik will get together via phone to look into this
* Bruno reported (see mailing list) issues with RotatingSymmetry and 
** suspect this to be related to boundary conditions not being properly 
applied, Carpet/Hg poisons with NaN by default, Carpet/git does not.
** Ian will re-run Bruno's troublesome BBH parameter file
* will create tickets for each problem

fall ET workshop:
* dates: Oct 14th-18th
* either at LSU or GT. LSU is known to have space, GT is checking 
availability of rooms
* preliminary program is on wiki: 


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