[Users] simfactory run sub-options

Roland Haas roland.haas at physics.gatech.edu
Mon Apr 30 16:46:04 CDT 2012

Hello all,

reading the docs at
it seems as if the "run" subcommand requires a --recover option to
recover from a checkpoint. However looking at the simfactory generated
RunScripts, this option is not used (though my runs seem to recover fine).

Since I have to do some lower-level fooling around with simfactory runs:
is this option still required? Or does simfactory by now find
checkpoints automatically and links them into the new folder?

In particular I am wondering if I can use a single qsub script

# PBS ...
# PBS ...
sim run mysim --walltime 24:00:00 --procs 42 --num-threads 13
sim cleanup mysim
qsub $myself

and have it re-submit itself again and again and have simfactory
properly create new output folders, link the checkpoints files from
segment to segment and run with the options.


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