[Users] Error to write PittNull during checkpointing

Yosef Zlochower yosef at astro.rit.edu
Tue Jul 31 14:06:14 CDT 2012

I updated the trac ticket. btw, these changes do not affect the
  testsuite. I'm actually surprised by this. Does the bugfix only
affect the code under certain circumstances?

On 07/31/2012 02:49 PM, Bela Szilagyi wrote:
> Yosef,
> I have made several attempts to commit the changes, over the course of
> the past couple of months. Somehow every time I figure out how to
> re-download the code from the latest incarnation of the repository, I
> figure I no longer have write access or no longer know my password or
> some combination of the above. This simply because I am not an active
> Cactus user.
> I had asked Roland to just push these changes as they are essential
> for the correctness of the code.  If you rely on me finding the time
> to figure out how to (re-)gain checking access to these thorns, this
> will delay the application of the patches by further months.
> The start-up related change could be logged as
> Improve the start-up algorithm of the characteristic marching scheme
> from the inner boundary towards scri+.
> All other changes are related to either improving IO (will correctly
> truncate/create diagnostic files) or allowing for flexible tuning of
> IO between checkpoints/restarts (by changing the parameters into
> steerable ones).
> I'd like to ask that someone with working write access to the
> arrangement apply the patches.
> Bela.
> On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 12:05 PM, Yosef Zlochower<yosef at astro.rit.edu>  wrote:
>> On 07/30/2012 11:47 AM, Bela Szilagyi wrote:
>>> Yosef, and all
>>> 'start-up' here refers to the way the null parallelogram algorithm
>>> (marching out along a characteristic slice and starting from the inner
>>> boundary), gets its integration constants set by the boundary data.
>>> This is not a t=0 issue, but rather a \lambda=0 issue in CCE language.
>>>       I believe it is absolutely essential for the correctness of the
>>> code.
>>> As far as changing parameters from non-steerable to steerable goes, I
>>> also believe they are useful as one can legitimately want to start a
>>> new diagnostic for a run when restarted from a particular checkpoint.
>>> Or even from the middle of a run, checkpointed or not.  Those are,
>>> indeed, independent from the 'start-up' patch.
>>> I do understand that the Einstein Toolkit maintenance team may not be
>>> familiar with the Pitt code. Please regard the 'start-up' patch as an
>>> amendment to the 1st release of the code, by those same people who
>>> worked on it before releasing it.  If  you need any details of why
>>> have I changed things in the particular way I have, I will be glad to
>>> explain.
>> Bela et al,
>>    It would probably be a good idea to have some kind of informative
>> commit message. Since you checked that these changes are correct and
>> necessary, can you commit them? I'll then update the testsuite, if
>> needed.
>>> Bela.

Dr. Yosef Zlochower
Center for Computational Relativity and Gravitation
Assistant Professor
School of Mathematical Sciences
Rochester Institute of Technology
85 Lomb Memorial Drive
Rochester, NY 14623

Phone: +1 585-475-6103

yosef at astro.rit.edu

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