[Users] meeting minutes

Roland Haas roland.haas at physics.gatech.edu
Mon Jun 4 14:50:34 CDT 2012

Present were: Frank, Philipp, Ian, Eloisa, Erik, Peter, Christian
Reisswig, Yosef, Bruno, Roland, Tanja

* please look at open tickets that require review [1]

* we would like to incorporate larger changes earlier in the release
cycle, there were concerns that some changes that made it into the
Lovelace release might have been rushed
* to this end a suggestion was made to move the soft freeze forward in
time. The current feeling is that moving the soft freeze to four weeks
before the release might be acceptable but that a freeze to early will
drive developers to use their own branches and not commit bug fixes to ET

* we would like to retire functionality and thorns that are no longer
used. Candidates are:
** LegoExcision
** ADM
** ADMMacros. A request was made for a replacement that would offer a
C/Fortran function interface to compute eg. the Hamiltonian constraint
for a metric in memory. No single replacement was suggested.
** ADMCoupling
** StaticConformal
* maintainers are encouraged to look through the current thorn list and
flag any thorns that they have not used and do not understand how it
works since we would not be able to adequately support them

* Erik suggested to re-factor ADMBase and related thorns (TmunuBase,
ADM*, HydroBase) to either created version 2 of the thorns or to produce
a new non-backwards compatible version
* the new thorn would removed unused functionality and change the
defaults for parameters that are currently changed to the same
non-default value by a majority of users.
** candidates were static conformal metrics, removing the old Tmunu
** consensus to create a wiki page to collect suggestions and to query
users on the mailing list what they use (see thorns to be retired above)
** FishEye functionality was mentioned as a candiate however it seems
that RIT used a (local, private) version of FishEye within the last
year. Keep FishEye if it is self-contained and at least one maintainer
understands what it does.

* Multipatch infrastructure (Interpolate and Coordinates from Llama) is
scheduled to be made public in the time frame of a year pending
agreement by all original authors.

* need to decide on location and time for the upcoming ET workshop in
fall. Organize doodle pool for time.

* include SphericalHarmonicReconGen in ET:
** needs push by authors to be included
** suggest to create a milestone for it
** want test suite, documentation
** test data is in the works by Nick Taylor
** Nick and Christian also wrote a documentation on the Caltech wiki
which will be imported into the thorn



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