[Users] Einstein Toolkit on Mac OS

Steven R. Brandt sbrandt at cct.lsu.edu
Wed May 16 09:11:18 CDT 2012

Maybe we should base the tutorials on a VM?


On 05/16/2012 02:27 AM, Ian Hinder wrote:
> On 16 May 2012, at 04:20, Frank Loeffler wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 02:38:51PM +0000, Babiuc-Hamilton, Maria wrote:
>>> babiuc$ ./GetComponents -p -a https://svn.einsteintoolkit.org/manifest/trunk/einsteintoolkit.th
>>> Can't locate object method "new" via package "Thread::Semaphore" at ./GetComponents line 600.
>> I am not a Mac user - anyone? Btw: which MacOS and perl versions do you
>> use?
>>> Apropos of Mac OS, is there a still maintained wiki tutorial on how to get the Toolkit working? I could not find the path to it.
>> I don't know who started it, probably Ian Hinder. However, as I learned
>> today it apparently not only matters which version of Mac OS you use, but
>> also how (which) additional non-Mac libraries you installed (fink vs.
>> macports vs self-compiled).
> There are 4 tutorials listed under Documentation on the main page of the wiki (https://docs.einsteintoolkit.org/et-docs/Main_Page).  However, I am not sure how maintained these are.  Also, it was decided long ago that we would not actively support people running on their own machines with tutorials initially, as the number of different configurations was too hard to predict.  Instead, the tutorial for new users relies on you running on a "known" machine: Queen Bee.
> I think it is time to revise this strategy, and investigate if it is possible to provide a tutorial which is general enough to run on a wider range of machines.  It would be good if it was not specific to Queen Bee, and if it could run on someone's local machine.  We could give a list of required packaged for several linux versions and Mac OS for laptops/workstations.
> These tutorials should also be tested and updated for each release.

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