[Users] Einstein Toolkit Meeting

Frank Loeffler knarf at cct.lsu.edu
Mon May 28 00:46:51 CDT 2012


Please consider joining the weekly Einstein Toolkit phone call at
10 am US central time on Mondays. As usual, you can find instructions
how to join on the following web site:


I short: the number is (+1) 225-578-4942 or (+1) 866-573-0359 and
         the conference id is 118682#.

The main topic will be the organization of the next ET release. In
particular, this means we will discuss:

- Release-relevant tickets (4) [1]
  - three of these are pending a review: please help here!
- Schedule:
  - hard freeze date of May 21th (evening)
    - only 'important' bug fixes or documentation improvements
                ^--> to be decided by two maintainers
  - release date of May 28th -> can we hold this?
- Now most important: running testsuites, write release notes
Not necessarily connected to the release:

- What happend during last week: 29 issue were opened or changed and are
  still open, and 10 tickets could be closed. Some of them were:
  - minor changes to trac interface
  - openssl security fix
  - latex warnings for thornguide fixed
  - simfactory doesn't enable thorns automatically atm
  - ExternalThorns/GSL fixed
  - disable VECTORISE_ALIGNED_ARRAYS in all optionlists
  - ADMBase variable initialization is now thread-safe (uses openmp)
  - OpenCLRunTime is now part of the ET, as well as ML_WaveToy and
    ML_WaveToy_CL (although not built by default)
  - thorn Exact doesn't use openmp anymore (atm) because this was
    found to be buggy and fixing it would require a larger patch
    -> no-go now.

As usual, feel free to add to this agenda.

Frank Loeffler

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