[Users] Einstein Toolkit Meeting Reminder

Frank Loeffler knarf at cct.lsu.edu
Sun Aug 11 19:53:53 CDT 2013


Please consider joining the weekly Einstein Toolkit phone call at
10 am US central time on Mondays. As usual, you can find instructions
how to join on the following web site:


In short: the number is (+1) 225-578-4942 or (+1) 866-573-0359 and
          the conference id is 118682#.

As always, we will answer questions and hear comments that come up at
the beginning of the meeting.

After that, and because of the long discussion last week, I would like to
get to a conclusion about

1) possible rearrangement of ET repositories (combine repositories)
2) possible conversion of some ET thorns from svn to git

Arguments for both topics can be voiced on a wiki page (thanks to Ian
Hinder for creating it, even with a quite wrong name imho):

We will handle these two topics in that order, and as separate as

Frank Löffler

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