[Users] Meeting Minutes

Frank Löffler knarf at cct.lsu.edu
Wed Feb 5 14:50:29 CST 2014


On Wed, Feb 05, 2014 at 03:30:47PM -0500, Erik Schnetter wrote:
> I have copied the Boost thorn into an svn repository, which is
> significantly smaller. Should we keep this in the ET thorn list,
> remove it, download it by default...?

We might want to keep it out of the ET thorn list, at least until its
status is clear (I mean the discussion whether to actually include it),
and maybe even until we made the change to an active download system.
However, this move makes its usage a little easier already now (thanks),
although it still has a disk foot print 133MB, compared to about 700MB
for all other ET thorn checkouts combined, and about 100MB of all other
external library thorn checkouts.

Boost is truly a huge beast. Isn't there a possibility to extract the
subset we actually need? Maybe using 'bcp' [1] ?


[1] http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_55_0/tools/bcp/doc/html/index.html
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