[Users] Einstein Toolkit Meeting Reminder

Frank Loeffler knarf at cct.lsu.edu
Mon Nov 3 09:33:21 CST 2014


Please consider joining the weekly Einstein Toolkit phone call at
10 am US central time on Mondays. As usual, you can find instructions
how to join on the following web site:


In short: the number is (+1) 225-578-4942 or (+1) 866-573-0359 and
          the conference id is 118682#.

Notice that "summer time" ended in the US, which means that the
meeting time might be different for you right now compared to "usually".
However, a lot of countries already changed previously as well (like
Germany), so time might be "in sync" now again.

(Some) noteworthy tickets:

- 1276: Intel Compiler and __restrict__ : is new blacklist known?
- 1685: use of a freed pointer within Cactus

With beginning of today, no larger changes should go into the ET before
the release. What didn't make it in until now should be able to wait for
1-2 weeks (unless discussed, of course).

Frank Loeffler
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