[Users] postprocessing data in Cactus

Roland Haas rhaas at aei.mpg.de
Mon Aug 3 13:04:21 CDT 2015

Hello all,

for the upcoming ET workshop I wanted to grab a 5 minutes slot and drum
up support for more advanced postprocessing features in Cactus and to
compare what Cactus can do (which is very little I am afraid) to what
other codes can do.

As far as I know, multiple persons have already written their own
specialized tools to do some offline postprocessing but there seems to
be no concerted effort to produce a more general tool. So as a starter I
wanted to give a short list of existing postprocessing tools that are
used (mostly I am going to emphasis postprocessing using 3d and 2d
datasets) and wanted to ask if people were to send me a short (a couple
of lines) description of posprocessing tools that they use/have written
and their capabilities (pictures are also welcome). I'd try and use
those as starting points for a discussion at the meeting.

We have an informal list of visualization tools
however I am looking for actual analysis facilities eg. tools that would
allow one to compute things like ADM energy or unbound matter fraction
based on saved simulation data (so simulationtools rather than VisIt).


My email is as private as my paper mail. I therefore support encrypting
and signing email messages. Get my PGP key from http://keys.gnupg.net.

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