[Users] problem with par file not finding thorns

David Bradley kb9qhd at charter.net
Fri Aug 7 20:05:31 CDT 2015


I tried to run full-040.par simulation from the examples directory and 
it failed to find several of the thorns.

Error: Thorn ADMConstraints not found
Error: Thorn BSSN_MoL not found
Error: Thorn LegoExcision not found
Activation failed - 3 errors in activation sequence

I am not sure how to proceed

-------------- next part --------------
Simulation name: full
Running simulation full
Fri Aug  7 19:55:10 CDT 2015
INFO (Cactus): Increasing logging level from 0 to 3

  1   0101       ************************  
  01  1010 10      The Cactus Code V4.2.3    
 1010 1101 011      www.cactuscode.org     
  1001 100101    ************************  
     100011     (c) Copyright The Authors  
      0100      GNU Licensed. No Warranty  

Cactus version:    4.2.3
Compile date:      Jul 04 2015 (17:18:20)
Run date:          Aug 07 2015 (19:55:11-0500)
Run host:          vara.hamradio.net (pid=6024)
Working directory: /home/david/simulations/full/output-0000
Executable:        /home/david/simulations/full/SIMFACTORY/exe/cactus_sim
Parameter file:    /home/david/simulations/full/output-0000/full-040.par

Activating thorn Cactus...Success -> active implementation Cactus
Activation requested for 
--->IOUtil IOBasic LocalReduce CarpetIOASCII Time MoL Carpet CarpetLib CarpetInterp CarpetReduce SymBase CoordBase CartGrid3D ADMBase StaticConformal SpaceMask AEILocalInterp IDAxiBrillBH CoordGauge ADMMacros ADMCoupling ADMConstraints ADMAnalysis Boundary BSSN_MoL AEILocalInterp SphericalSurface AHFinderDirect LegoExcision CarpetIOASCII <---
Warning: thorn AEILocalInterp already scheduled for activation
Warning: thorn CarpetIOASCII already scheduled for activation
Thorn AHFinderDirect requests automatic activation of HDF5
Thorn Carpet requests automatic activation of MPI
Thorn Carpet requests automatic activation of Timers
Thorn Carpet requests automatic activation of LoopControl
Thorn CarpetLib requests automatic activation of Vectors
Thorn CarpetLib requests automatic activation of CycleClock
Thorn IDAxiBrillBH requests automatic activation of Fortran
Thorn HDF5 requests automatic activation of zlib
Thorn LoopControl requests automatic activation of hwloc
Error: Thorn ADMConstraints not found
Error: Thorn BSSN_MoL not found
Error: Thorn LegoExcision not found
Activation failed - 3 errors in activation sequence
WARNING level 0 from host vara.hamradio.net process 0
  while executing schedule bin (none), routine (no thorn)::(no routine)
  in thorn Cactus, file /opt/Cactus/src/main/SetParams.c:93:
  -> CCTKi_SetParameter: Error at line 212 in parameter file /home/david/simulations/full/output-0000/full-040.par while activating thorns
Fri Aug  7 19:55:17 CDT 2015
Simfactory Done at date: 0
-------------- next part --------------
# This parameter file
# sets up BH + Brill-wave initial data
# and evolves it with the standard CactusEinstein and AEIThorns thorns,
# finding the apparent horizon frequently


# ***** output setup (also see below for more output stuff) *****
ActiveThorns = "IOUtil IOBasic LocalReduce CarpetIOASCII"
IO::out_dir = $parfile

# time integration

##Cactus::cctk_itlast = 0
Cactus::terminate = "time"
Cactus::cctk_final_time = 10

ActiveThorns = "Time"
Time::dtfac = 0.5			# dt = 0.025

ActiveThorns = "MoL"
MoL::verbose = "register"

# RK4 time integration
MoL::ODE_Method = "generic"
MoL::MoL_Intermediate_Steps = 4
MoL::MoL_Num_Scratch_Levels = 3


# basic grid setup

ActiveThorns = "Carpet CarpetLib CarpetInterp CarpetReduce"
Carpet::domain_from_coordbase    = true

ActiveThorns = "SymBase"
ActiveThorns = "CoordBase"
CoordBase::domainsize = "spacing"
CoordBase::dx   = 0.04
CoordBase::dy   = 0.04
CoordBase::dz   = 0.04
CoordBase::ncells_x = 80
CoordBase::ncells_y = 80
CoordBase::ncells_z = 80

# ghost zones

driver::ghost_size_x = 2
driver::ghost_size_y = 2
driver::ghost_size_z = 2

# ghost zones are outside the nominal grid
CoordBase::boundary_internal_x_lower = false
CoordBase::boundary_internal_x_upper = false
CoordBase::boundary_internal_y_lower = false
CoordBase::boundary_internal_y_upper = false
CoordBase::boundary_internal_z_lower = false
CoordBase::boundary_internal_z_upper = false

# ghost zone widths
CoordBase::boundary_size_x_lower     = 2
CoordBase::boundary_size_x_upper     = 2
CoordBase::boundary_size_y_lower     = 2
CoordBase::boundary_size_y_upper     = 2
CoordBase::boundary_size_z_lower     = 2
CoordBase::boundary_size_z_upper     = 2

# ghost zones start 1 point outside nominal grid boundary
CoordBase::boundary_shiftout_x_lower = 1
CoordBase::boundary_shiftout_x_upper = 1
CoordBase::boundary_shiftout_y_lower = 1
CoordBase::boundary_shiftout_y_upper = 1
CoordBase::boundary_shiftout_z_lower = 1
CoordBase::boundary_shiftout_z_upper = 1

# staggered grids everywhere
CoordBase::boundary_staggered_x_lower = true
CoordBase::boundary_staggered_x_upper = true
CoordBase::boundary_staggered_y_lower = true
CoordBase::boundary_staggered_y_upper = true
CoordBase::boundary_staggered_z_lower = true
CoordBase::boundary_staggered_z_upper = true

ActiveThorns = "CartGrid3D"
CartGrid3D::type = "CoordBase"


# BH + Brill-wave initial data

ActiveThorns = "ADMBase StaticConformal SpaceMask"
ADMBase::metric_type = "static conformal"
ADMBase::evolution_method = "none"
ADMBase::initial_lapse    = "one"
ADMBase::initial_shift    = "zero"

ActiveThorns = "AEILocalInterp"
ActiveThorns = "IDAxiBrillBH"

ADMBase::initial_data = "axibrillbh"
IDAxiBrillBH::amp      = 1.0
IDAxiBrillBH::eta0     = 0.0
IDAxiBrillBH::sigma    = 1.0
IDAxiBrillBH::etamax   = 6.0
IDAxiBrillBH::n        = 2

IDAxiBrillBH::ne              = 1000
IDAxiBrillBH::nq              = 2000

IDAxiBrillBH::interpolator_name = "Lagrange polynomial interpolation"
IDAxiBrillBH::interpolator_pars = "order=4"


# BSSN evolution with 1+log slicing
ActiveThorns = "CoordGauge ADMMacros ADMCoupling ADMConstraints ADMAnalysis"
ActiveThorns = "Boundary"
ActiveThorns = "BSSN_MoL"

ADMBase::lapse_evolution_method = "1+log"

BSSN_MoL::lapsesource     = "modified"
BSSN_MoL::harmonic_f      = 2.0
BSSN_MoL::LapsePsiPower   = 4
BSSN_MoL::AlphaDissip     = 0.002

ADMBase::evolution_method = "ADM_BSSN"

BSSN_MoL::stencil_size    = 2
BSSN_MoL::advection       = "upwind2"

BSSN_MoL::bound           = "radiative"
Boundary::radpower        = 2


# gamma-driver shift

ADMBase::shift_evolution_method  = "gamma2"

BSSN_MoL::ShiftGammaCoeff        = 0.75
BSSN_MoL::ShiftAlpPower          = 1
BSSN_MoL::ShiftPsiPower          = 4
BSSN_MoL::ShiftPhiPower          = 0

BSSN_MoL::BetaDriver             = 3.0	# scales with 1/M_adm
BSSN_MoL::BetaDriverPsi          = 0.0
BSSN_MoL::BetaDriverPhi          = 0.0


# find apparent horizons

ActiveThorns = "AEILocalInterp"
ActiveThorns = "SphericalSurface AHFinderDirect"

# run at poststep so excision mask is set for BSSN et al
AHFinderDirect::run_at_CCTK_ANALYSIS = false
AHFinderDirect::run_at_CCTK_POSTSTEP = true

AHFinderDirect::N_horizons = 1

AHFinderDirect::initial_guess_method[1] = "coordinate sphere"
AHFinderDirect::initial_guess__coord_sphere__radius[1] = 0.50

AHFinderDirect::find_every       = 10
AHFinderDirect::h_base_file_name = "h"

AHFinderDirect::set_mask_for_all_horizons = true
AHFinderDirect::mask_radius_multiplier     = 1.0
AHFinderDirect::mask_radius_offset         = -5.0
AHFinderDirect::mask_buffer_thickness      = 0.0
AHFinderDirect::mask_is_noshrink           = true
AHFinderDirect::set_old_style_mask         = true
AHFinderDirect::set_new_style_mask         = false


# Lego Excision
ActiveThorns = "LegoExcision"
SpaceMask::use_mask    = true
BSSN_MoL::excise       = true
BSSN_MoL::excisiontype = "Lego"
ADMConstraints::excise = true


# ASCII output

ActiveThorns = "CarpetIOASCII"
CarpetIOASCII::out3D_ghosts = true
CarpetIOASCII::out3D_outer_ghosts = true

IOBasic::outInfo_every = 1
IOBasic::outInfo_vars = "
IOASCII::out1d_every = 10
IOASCII::out1d_vars  =  "
	ADMBase::alp           ADMBase::shift
IOASCII::out2d_every = 1
##IOASCII::out2d_style = "gnuplot f(x,y)"
IOASCII::out2d_every = 10
IOASCII::out2d_vars  =  "
	ADMBase::alp           ADMBase::shift


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