[Users] build of debian on Parallels on mac

Ian Hinder ian.hinder at aei.mpg.de
Tue Aug 11 10:28:07 CDT 2015

On 7 Aug 2015, at 19:29, Erik Schnetter <schnetter at cct.lsu.edu> wrote:

> Comer
> It seems that Cactus doesn't realize that MPI requires a few additional libraries. Most likely, this list of additional libraries varies from system to system, and may depend on the Debian version. Usually, Cactus use shared libraries, and they contain enough information to automatically find and use all necessary dependencies. Apparently you are using static libraries (see "libmpi.a" in the beginning of the error messages), and this requires listing dependencies manually.
> I also just see that Cactus build MPI by itself, which it shouldn't have if there is an existing MPI. Also, if Cactus builds MPI, it should have correctly figured out the dependencies! Maybe adding "MPI_DIR = /usr" to the debian.cfg option list would help.
> Do you have the output that Cactus produces when configuring? This would tell us why Cactus didn't find Debian's MPI. You could build from scratch, saving all output, and attaching this to a bug report.

This happens a lot.  It would be good to be able to put something into the optionlist which told the MPI thorn that it should use an auto-detected library, rather than building the library.

Ian Hinder

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