[Users] SPH in EinsteinToolkit

Stefan Ruehe sruehe at astrophysik.uni-kiel.de
Wed Nov 25 01:18:18 CST 2015


Good morning, 

I have made some thoughts about the problems with SPH and MPI. 

I found a paper by Valdez-Balderas et al (2012)
(http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2012arXiv1210.1017V), which could help to
solve some of the problems. 

They suggest a particle halo on each processor unit, in which the
neighbour particle of the adjacent processors are saved. This should be
synchronized in each timestep. 

One problem of this method is SPH have to use fixed smoothlength,
otherwise the volume of the halo can't be set. The variability of the
smoothlength is required to have an adaptive refinement in the
SPH-algorithm. I would suggest to use semi-fixed smoothlength, which are
smaller in higher refindement levels. This could reduce the
disadvantages of the fixed smoothlength. 

What is your opinion this? 

Now I try to test how good SPH-approximations for the hydrodynamic grid
variables in the Tmunu base are under the condition of such
"adaptive-fixed" smoothlength. I have an other method in mind, but this
would need more temporary memory. 

Best regards, 

Stefan Ruehe 

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