[Users] SimulationTools/h5mma: Unable to communicate with closed link

Ian Hinder ian.hinder at aei.mpg.de
Tue Apr 12 11:49:15 CDT 2016

On 12 Apr 2016, at 18:38, Bernard Kelly <physicsbeany at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Barry (and Ian). Thanks for your responses.
> Barry, I tried the notebook you sent, and it fails in the same way
> (i.e. the bare ImportHDF5 command fails).
> Ian, the HDF5 file *could* be corrupt, but I've read it into VisIt and
> used it with no issues.
> As you suggested, I tried running h5mma on its own from a Terminal command line:
>> ./h5mma
> Create link:
> ... so it's expecting a "link", whatever it means by that. A target?

That's what it's supposed to do. It's starting the protocol that it uses to communicate with Mathematica which usually launches it.  So the executable can be loaded, but it looks like it is crashing.  

There is test data provided with SimulationTools.  Can you try that file?

ImportHDF5[FileNameJoin[{$SimulationToolsTestSimulation, "output-0000/bbh/phi.xy.h5"}]]

If that fails as well for you, and works for Barry, then that shows that the problem is not related to the file.

Barry, I assume you were testing with the development version?  I looked at the changes since the release, and I don't see anything which might be a serious bug which has not been backported.

Ian Hinder

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