[Users] max number of processes on TACC Stampede login nodes

Roland Haas rhaas at illinois.edu
Tue Dec 13 14:30:32 CST 2016

Hello all,

TACC's stampede login nodes have a (rather conservative) maximum number
of allowed processes per user of 150:

rhaas at login3:~/tmp$ ulimit -a | grep processes
max user processes              (-u) 150

which is reached (in my case) when compiling with the default -j
settings in simfactory on stampede (somewhere in PeTSc). Naturally this
is not fully reproducible since it depends on exactly how the parallel
build proceeds. 

Does anyone know of a good way to limit to total number of processes
that make will produce (rather than the total number of parallel
*recipes* that execute)? 

There is a -l option to limit the number of processes if the load gets
too high. Right now I re-compiled using -j 4 instead of -j 8 which
seems to have worked so far.


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