[Users] Installing on OSX10.12

Ian Hinder ian.hinder at aei.mpg.de
Tue Dec 20 12:17:05 CST 2016

On 20 Dec 2016, at 03:12, Guy <guy.pitman at bigpond.com> wrote:

> Hi Eloisa 
> I installed gcc6 and changed the option list to point to that 
> (CPP = cpp-6
> FPP = cpp-6
> CC  = gcc-6
> CXX = g++-6
> F90 = gfortran-6
> FPPFLAGS = -traditional
> CFLAGS   = -g -std=c11
> CXXFLAGS = -g -std=c++14
> F90FLAGS = -g -m128bit-long-double -fcray-pointer -ffixed-line-length-none
> LDFLAGS = -lgfortran)
> But when I run build, I get the error message
> Configuration script for thorn FORTRAN returned exit code 1
>      Error message: 'Fortran thorn requires that a Fortran compiler is defined, but F77 = 'none' and F90 = 'none'.  Aborting.’
> I have searched for these expressions and found something in 
> ./lib/make/configure, but am not sure how/whether to change it.
> Do you have any ideas?


The first thing to try when you get some sort of unexplained error and have been trying different build options, is to remove the configuration and do a fresh build.

rm -rf configs/sim

This will give you a clean slate, and it shouldn't matter what you have done before with the build.  The sim setup command has also written some files outside the configs directory; it writes simfactory/etc/defs.local.ini and simfactory/mdb/machines/<machinename>.ini.  

I suspect that what happened above is that you edited the optionlist but simfactory didn't know to use the new version.  If you edit the optionlist in simfactory/mdb/optionlists/osx-homebrew.cfg, you need to add

	--optionlist osx-homebrew.cfg

to the "sim build" command that you use to build.  A fresh build will always use the new optionlist, of course.

Please can you wipe the sim configuration as above, and try to rerun the build command.  If it doesn't work, please can you post the following:

	- The full output from the terminal after wiping the configuration, up to and including the build output and error message
	- The optionlist you are using (simfactory/mdb/optionlists/osx-homebrew.cfg?)
	- Your defs.local.ini (this is written by "sim setup", to simfactory/etc/defs.local.ini)
	- The machine definition file (this is in simfactory/mdb/machines/XXX.ini) where XXX is your machine name, which you can find from "simfactory/bin/sim whoami"

Roland, when you uploaded the osx-sierra results, did you use homebrew or macports?

Ian Hinder

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