[Users] Fwd: postdoc position in Barcelona in Gravitation, String Theory and Cosmology

helvi witek helvi.witek at kcl.ac.uk
Tue Apr 3 09:12:24 CDT 2018


Dr. Helvi Witek
Royal Society University Research Fellow
Theoretical Particle Physics and Cosmology
Department of Physics
King's College London

On Sat, Mar 31, 2018 at 8:19 PM, Roberto Emparan <emparan at ub.edu> wrote:

> Sorry if you are receiving this message more than once:
> Dear colleagues,
> there is a postdoc position available in our group in the fields of
> Gravitation, String Theory and Cosmology; candidates with a background in
> gravitational wave research are particularly encouraged to apply.
> The announcement and application procedure can be found at
> http://icc.ub.edu/job/74
> I would be very grateful if you could forward this announcement to
> suitable candidates.
> Please bear in mind that the deadline for application is in one week.
> Thanks, and best regards,
> Roberto
> Roberto Emparan
> ICREA Research Professor
> Departament de Física Quántica i Astrofísica
> Universitat de Barcelona
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