[Users] meeting minutes for 2018-07-16

Roland Haas rhaas at illinois.edu
Mon Jul 16 09:51:36 CDT 2018

Present: Peter, Roland, Sam, Zach, Helvi, Qian, Shawn

* ET release
** BBH: maybe Steve or Sam
** Poisson equation: will be done Shawn Rosofsky
** Scalar field: Roland, will update description
** TOV: no update
** BNS: Peter, still compiling on Mike and debugging runtime issues

* milestones:
** BNS example: Peter is working on them
** GiRaFFE: test are almost there, two of co-authors are working on it
** simfactory: should check what the current status is with Steve
* Proca code: Peter will review
* Lean code: no reviewer yet. Suggest to contact possible reviewers
  directly. Will update documentation.tex with information from paper
  (currently being written).
* WVUDiagnostics: Steve may have volunteered to look into it
** Suggest to try and use only HydroBase variables
** generally this should be true for all non-evolution Hydro thorns
that should only use HydroBase and ADMBase
** include this is thorn contribution guidelines maybe based on
* ET one Mac requires specific version of gcc
** should provide information on expected error message if gcc does not
match expectation
** shoudl provide instructions on how to fix this
** may want to auto-detect the correct one
** (possibly) we can use g++ (clang) with gfortran (see ticket by Steve
in milestones)

* unanswered questions
  should be responded to. Update instructions in tutorial wrt to
  "queuing system" in laptop. Helvi to respond.

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