[Users] Queuing system and parameter file scripts on personal machine

helvi witek helvi.witek at kcl.ac.uk
Wed Jul 18 09:50:20 CDT 2018

Dear Federico,

> it seems that I do not have a queuing system. Each time I submit a
simulation, it starts running in parallel with previous ones and my laptop
quickly collapses. I configured > simfactory with:
Indeed, queuing systems are used on clusters to manage a large number of
simulations by different users. These are additional programs that are not
usually installed on laptops and local desktops, and cannot be controlled
by simfactory or the Einstein Toolkit. Therefore, every time you submitted
a simulation it started running immediately, i.e., in parallel with those
that you started before and presumably caused your laptop to crash.

If you want to run multiple simulations simultaneously you will have to do
so on a cluster. On your laptop you should be able to run small test
simulations, and typically one at a time.

> I've tried some scripting with .rpar files, but failed...
Could you please send us the parameter and logfiles? Otherwise it is
difficult to access what goes wrong.
I suspect that your runs overwrite each other, since they seem to have the
same name and run in parallel. That is probably why only the last submitted
simulation actually runs. As an easy check you could submit two small runs
with different names.

Best wishes,

Dr. Helvi Witek
Royal Society University Research Fellow
Theoretical Particle Physics and Cosmology
Department of Physics
King's College London

On Tue, Jul 10, 2018 at 8:24 PM, Federico G Lopez Armengol <
fedelopezar at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I've been learning how to use the Toolkit for about a year. I've been
> reading public documentation and running individual simulations on my
> personal laptop. Now, I need to manage some set of simulations, and found
> some trouble:
> 1) it seems that I do not have a queuing system. Each time I submit a
> simulation, it starts running in parallel with previous ones and my laptop
> quickly collapses. I configured simfactory with:
> ./simfactory/bin/sim setup-silent --optionlist=ubuntu.cfg --runscript
>> debian.sh --submitscript debian.sub --runscript debian.sh
> 2) I've tried some scripting with .rpar files, but failed. For instance,
> if submitting:
> ./simfactory/bin/sim create-submit tov_multi --parfile par/tov.rpar
> no error displays, but the simulation is inmediately finished with no
> outputs. On the other hand, if running:
> ./simfactory/bin/sim create-run tov_multi --parfile par/tov.rpar
> I get the following error:
> Error: Parameter file script '/home/fede/simulations/tov_multi/output-0000/tov.rpar'
>> did not generate a parameter file called '/home/fede/simulations/tov_
>> multi/output-0000/tov.par'
> I changed the name of the parameter file created as asked, but just the
> last simulation of the script runs. I've tried this with every .rpar script
> that is included on the Toolkit.
> I use Linux Mint 18.1 Serena. Thanks in advance!
> Federico
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