[Users] meeting minutes for 2018-07-30

Roland Haas rhaas at illinois.edu
Mon Jul 30 09:20:26 CDT 2018

Present: Peter, Bhavesh, Roland, Sam, Andreas Boden, Zach

wiki editing without accounts:
* Peter will talk with admins
* Peter will also poke the amins about SSL certificates for

memory consumption in BBH simulations
* email thread:
* Roland summarized the thread: not enough information yet, Miguel has
  checked that RSS increases but not yet that Carpet's reported memory
  for grid functions does not increase by the same amount

ET release:
Gallery examples:
* BBH: Sam was away at PEARC, will do it later this week
* poisson: Roland to poke Shawn
* scalar fields, TOV: Roland will do today if call ends early
* BNS: Peter ran with old code over the weekend, will check once in the
GiRaFFE review:
* no progress on actual report
* Zach is finishing up the tests himself
* Intel compiler <19 does not work with newest Ubuntu, Intel 19 fails
  right now to compile PAPI. Zach will compile without.
* no updates
* no updates
* Peter downloaded and compiled the code, read through paper.

* simfactory on OSX: Roland to test


My email is as private as my paper mail. I therefore support encrypting
and signing email messages. Get my PGP key from http://pgp.mit.edu .
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