[Users] Any Documents of Meudon_Mag_NS ?

ZHAO Zhichao zhaozc at ihep.ac.cn
Thu May 3 02:39:59 CDT 2018

Hello everyone, 

I am trying to simulating an isolate rotating mag neutron star. I used Lorene to produce an initial data. However, when I tring to use Meudon_Mag_NS import the initial data, I encount a trouble.

The "bbig.par" file in "par" folder of Meudon_Mag_NS does not work, the err message is :


Coordinate polar radius a3 =                 9.5691471042209 km
Axis ratio a2/a1 = 1.0000000000000  a3/a1 = 0.9864200902433

Baryon mass :        1.4000000005901 M_sol
Gravitational mass : 1.2922339017494 M_sol

Uniformly rotating star
Omega : 0.0000000000000 rad/s     f : 0.0000000000000 Hz
Rotation period : inf ms
Central N^phi :               0.0000000000000
Error on the virial identity GRV2 : 
mpirun noticed that process rank 1 with PID 15482 on node chaoge-MS-7A72 exited on signal 11 (Segmentation fault).


The error is so 'suddenly' that I have no idea to debug it..

Is there any Documents of Meudon_Mag_NS ?


By the way, I have also tried arrangements/EinsteinEvolve/GRHydro_InitData/par/MagTOVstar.par .
When I change Cactus::terminate to "never", I found it will crash at "Time 9~10". The error message says Bvec became Nan. 

Thanks to all of you ~

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