[Users] Summatiobyparts compilation failure on ARA cluster (latest ET release)

Erik Schnetter schnetter at protonmail.com
Fri Nov 16 11:08:48 CST 2018


The error message quotes a line that is not and should not be present in the source code. I wonder whether maybe your source file has somehow become corrupted?

Can you attach the file /home/wa65fop/CS_Wu/THC_ZM1/Cactus/arrangements/CactusNumerical/SummationByParts/src/Derivatives_2_1.F90 from your source tree, as well as the preprecessed file /home/wa65fop/CS_Wu/THC_ZM1/Cactus/configs/whiskyTHC_ZM1/build/SummationByParts/Derivatives_2_1.f90?


> On Nov 16, 2018, at 1:51 , Andrea Endrizzi <aendrizzi7 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Good morning, 
>   I was trying to compile ET on ARA cluster, specifically with the latest intel compilers (2018, Update 3). All the C/C++ code compiled nicely, but when reaching the SummationByParts thorn, the file Derivatives_2_1.F90 failed (attached is a .txt of the error). I never saw this kind of error before when compiling previous versions of ET, but it seems to complain about syntax in a file that looked ok when I opened the source. Could it be related to the compiler/the compiler's flags I'm using? If that may be the case, I also attach the .cfg file I'm using (architecture of the nodes is Skylake). I am currently trying to build with a previous version, to check whether it is version-related or just a problem on my side.
> Thanks already for your attention!
> Best regards,
> Andrea Endrizzi
> <error_report_summationbyparts.txt><ara-skl-icc_v0.1.cfg>

Erik Schnetter <schnetter at protonmail.com>

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