[Users] hdf5 output generation for Mathematica and VisIt

Jens Mahlmann jensmahl at alumni.uv.es
Sun Oct 7 02:37:11 CDT 2018

Dear all,

I hope I may approach you with a rather general question on output 
generation. For visualization, I find it convenient to use both 
SimulationTools for Mathematica as well as VisIt. Both are fine with 
reading hdf5 files and the interface to Carpet data is in general very nice.

However, I find that depending on if I activate 
CarpetIOHDF5::one_file_per_group or not, I have difficulties of opening 
the files in one or the other (with yes I am great for visit but not for 
SimulationTools and vice versa).

Especially, I would like to have the 3D output in one file per group, 
and the 2D output not. Is there an option to do so? Or does anybody have 
a best practice for a student of how to overcome this in post process? I 
want to avoid running all simulations twice...

Thank you and my best!


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