[Users] Fwd: PhD position at Potsdam University

Witek, Helvi helvi.witek at kcl.ac.uk
Wed Dec 18 09:10:56 CST 2019


Dr. Helvi Witek
Royal Society University Research Fellow
Theoretical Particle Physics and Cosmology.
Department of Physics
King's College London

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject:        PhD position at Potsdam University
Date:   Wed, 18 Dec 2019 15:38:25 +0100
From:   Tim Dietrich <diet.tim at gmail.com><mailto:diet.tim at gmail.com>

Dear colleagues,

I would be very happy if you could forward this advertisement to interested candidates.

Thank you very much and happy holidays,


PhD position in Theoretical Astrophysics – University of Potsdam

In February 2020 a new theoretical astrophysics group led by Tim Dietrich will be established at the University of Potsdam. The group will focus on the simulation of compact binary systems (in particular binary neutron stars), on the construction of gravitational waveform models, and the analysis of electromagnetic signatures connected to compact binary mergers.

The group will have a vacant PhD position for which we ask interested candidates to send their expression of interest, which should include a description of previous experience and research topics of interest, together with their CV, and a transcript of records of university courses and grades. Additionally, please provide the contact details of two academics who could provide reference letters.

The starting date is flexible but should lie within April and December 2020.

Please send your documents by the 14th of February as a single pdf file to Tim Dietrich (diet.tim at gmail.com<https://eur03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fgmail.com&data=01%7C01%7Chelvi.witek%40kcl.ac.uk%7C797a8c6f84714766cc8308d783c80706%7C8370cf1416f34c16b83c724071654356%7C0&sdata=vfYvdAi19wT%2FYCN%2BR%2BzVjMrLI%2BNWAebwAg09IJW6hlY%3D&reserved=0>). Further questions should be sent via email to the above address.
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