[Users] Meeting Minutes for Apr. 16, 2020
Hamilton, Maria
babiuc at marshall.edu
Thu Apr 16 10:48:34 CDT 2020
Present: Erik Schnetter, Maria Hamilton, Zach Etienne, Peter Diener, Roland Haas, William Gabella, Steven Brandt, Miguel Zilhao, Zhichao Zhao, Beyhan, Chrisopher Evans, Liu Haoyang
Chair: Peter
Minutes: Maria
Peter opens the meeting with the agenda.
* Future of ET: the new grant is awarded
- https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=2004879&HistoricalAwards=false
- Roland intends to have a wiki open to users
- It will consist on 3 parts: Carpetx, NRPy and Canuta
* Eric gives a presentation of AMReX (https://amrex-codes.github.io/amrex/index.html), the software the new driver Carpetx is based on (https://bitbucket.org/eschnett/cactusamrex
* Zach had some questions on the indexing in AMRex, which is different from Carpet indexing, and Eric offered to give a Workshop on it. AMRex output is ineffective, and he is also working at a different file output (https://wci.llnl.gov/simulation/computer-codes/silo).
* Zach gives a review of NRPy, which can be separated in 3 categories:
- Register grid functions and parameters
- Baikal - integration ET and NRPy
- GPU kernels
* Miguel gave a brief description of Canuta, that models Gravity augmented with other fields
* Roland requires an update update on potential codes to be included in next release
- BaikalETK: Zach, Helvi will have it reviewed in short time)
- PreSync: Steve refers to documentation
* Timeline of upcoming release freeze: May 7
* Roland does not have new updates for testsuites results, but the test system has changed, and some tests need to be redone.
* Lastly, Peter discusses with Miguel about an unanswered question on the mailing list regarding summation by parts.
* Erik raises the question about a standard Benchmark and offers to run one.
* The meeting adjourns.
Maria C. Babiuc Hamilton, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Physics
College of Science, Marshall University,
1 John Marshall Drive, Huntington, WV, 25755
Room S 257, Phone: (304)696-2754
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