[Users] ETK Meeting minutes for 2020-02-13

Hamilton, Maria babiuc at marshall.edu
Thu Feb 13 10:11:20 CST 2020

Present: Peter Diener, Yosef Zlochower, Maria Babiuc-Hamilton, Christopher Evans, Ian Hinder, Liu Haoyang, Justin Verde, Steven Brandt,

Chair: Peter Diener

Note Taker: Maria Babiuc-Hamilton

  *   Peter opens the meeting by reviewing the agenda. He makes a call for updates from working groups, but there is none. He goes on to the main item on the agenda is the possible move of cactus code web pages o gitup pages.

  *   Steve reports that cactus code web pages are not updated for 10 years and present vulnerability, plus they are clunky. He started to improve them, and suggested to make them a subset of ETK web pages, because they are maintained well.
  *   Ian considered this is a loss, especially for justifying similar projects when applying for grants, and created a static github repository that could host the cactus code web pages instead. This requires minimum maintenance, because it avoids the risk presented by the dynamical content, while still allowing updates.
  *   Steve is in favor of moving cactus code to static gitgub, and asked for a vote. Nobody opposed the idea, so a decision is made to proceed, although he points out that this won't solve the immediate problem of cleaning the content.
  *   Ian calls for volunteers for going through the content, and suggests that Steve makes a call for volunteers by email.
  *   Steve agrees, and with this item out of the way, he brings updates on the work he is doing in organizing the upcoming US ETK Workshop at LSU in August. He has the registration done, and asks people to start registering at:


  *   Also, he is happy to receive suggestions if anybody sees anything wrong or could be improved.
  *   Peter reviews the agenda again and does not see any active tickets, or anything else to discuss, and goes on to ask for volunteers for chair/minute taker for next two meetings.

Steve volunteers for chair on the 20th of February, and Ian for the 27th. The note taker still has to be decided.

  *   Peter asks for any other subject of discussion.
  *   Steve makes another call for volunteer to assist Roland in coordinating the next ETK release and learn how to do it.
  *   Peter calls the call.


Maria C. Babiuc Hamilton, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Physics
College of Science, Marshall University,
1 John Marshall Drive, Huntington, WV, 25755
Room S 257, Phone: (304)696-2754

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