[Users] Meeting Minutes for 2020-01-23

Witek, Helvi helvi.witek at kcl.ac.uk
Thu Jan 23 09:43:20 CST 2020

Einstein Toolkit Meeting on 23 January 2020

  *   present: Alois Schaffarczyk, Bill Gabella, Christopher Evans, Leo Werneck, Liu Haoyang, Maria Babiuc-Hamilton, Roland Haas, Zach Etienne

  *   status of proposed new codes for the next release:
     *   new TOV solver created with NRPy+
        *   c- and python-based version
        *   includes a broader range of EoS, including piece-wise polytrops
        *   could possibly replace current TOV solver in ET
        *   Action item: create ticket for code review; ensure that it is backwards compatible with current TOV solver
     *   self-force code -> next week

  *   ET EU meeting status -> next week

  *   elect release coordinator for next release (2020_04) [RH]
     *   Please volunteer to coordinate the next release!
     *   elect coordinator next week

  *   Update on "Cosmology and Particles" Working Group
     *   currently 19 members with diverse scientific background covering cosmology, modified gravity, high energy physics and numerical relativity
     *   Activities:
        *   monthly calls
        *   discussion and presentation of dedicated topics to foster new collaborations
        *   development of new thorns and code revisions; benchmark between different codes
     *   Current status:
        *   group has been dormant
        *   Please step forward if you would like to steps forward as co-chair!

  *   Open tickets
     *   thread safety in Cactus; see ticket https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/tickets/issues/2326/cctk_vinfo-is-not-thread-safe
     *   Erik fixed bug in CCTK_TraverseString; see ticket https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/tickets/issues/2317/cctk_traversestring-with-selection

Dr. Helvi Witek
Assistant Professor
Department of Physics
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
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